As the UN Capitulates, the US Has a Duty To End Weapon Sales to Saudi Arabia

On May 27, Foreign Policy reported that the Obama administration has decided to block the sale of additional cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia. This is great news, but it’s long past overdue and still not enough. U.S. companies, including Textron Industries – the makers of cluster munitions sold to Saudi Arabia – have profited far … Continue reading “As the UN Capitulates, the US Has a Duty To End Weapon Sales to Saudi Arabia”

Ten Ways Israel Is Just Like Saudi Arabia

On the surface, it would seem that Saudi Arabia and Israel would be the worst of enemies and indeed, they have never had diplomatic relations. After all, the Saudis have championed the cause of the Palestinians, who are oppressed by the Israelis. Israelis say they are besieged by Muslim extremists, and many of these extremists … Continue reading “Ten Ways Israel Is Just Like Saudi Arabia”

Pink-Slipping Hillary: On Remembering the Victims of the Iraq War

In March 2003, just before the US invasion of Iraq, about one hundred CODEPINK women dressed in pink slips weaved in and out of congressional offices demanding to meet with representatives. Those representatives who pledged to oppose going to war with Iraq were given hugs and pink badges of courage; those hell-bent on taking the … Continue reading “Pink-Slipping Hillary: On Remembering the Victims of the Iraq War”

Saudi Arabia’s Exploding Christmas Gifts From Hillary Clinton

As Hillary Clinton emerges as the front-runner for the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, she is receiving increased scrutiny for her years as Secretary of State. Many are criticizing her hawkish foreign policy, which is the best indication of what President Hillary’s foreign policy would be, with many focusing on her long relationship with Saudi Arabia. … Continue reading “Saudi Arabia’s Exploding Christmas Gifts From Hillary Clinton”

Should Henry Kissinger Mentor a Presidential Candidate?

At the February 11 Democratic Debate, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton had a spirited exchange about an unlikely topic: the 92-year old former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Sanders berated Clinton for saying that she appreciated the foreign policy mentoring she got from Henry Kissinger. “I happen to believe,” said Sanders, “that Henry Kissinger was … Continue reading “Should Henry Kissinger Mentor a Presidential Candidate?”

Hillary Clinton Hasn’t Learned a Thing from Iraq

As the first Democratic presidential debate drew to a close, moderator Anderson Cooper posed a question to Hillary Clinton: How might her presidency differ from Barack Obama’s? Clinton smiled. “Well, I think it’s pretty obvious,” she replied to rapturous applause. “Being the first woman president would be quite a change from the presidents we’ve had.” … Continue reading “Hillary Clinton Hasn’t Learned a Thing from Iraq”

Can the UN Talks Bring Peace to Shattered Yemen?

On June 14, UN-brokered talks will be held in Geneva, but many Yemenis know that with the increasingly hostile armed factions, a destroyed economy and the Saudi/Iran rivalry playing itself out in their country, peace will be hard to come by. With the Houthi rebels in the north and Al Qaeda in the Arabia Peninsula … Continue reading “Can the UN Talks Bring Peace to Shattered Yemen?”

Israel Lobby AIPAC Down, But Not Out – Yet

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is still one of the most powerful lobby organizations in the country, but fortunately, it is starting to lose its iron-clad grip on our policymakers. AIPAC lost the fight to stop Chuck Hagel from being confirmed as Secretary of Defense; it lost the push for the US military … Continue reading “Israel Lobby AIPAC Down, But Not Out – Yet”

The Dangerous Seduction of Drones

Senior Obama administration officials say our government is sharply scaling back its drone strikes in Pakistan. That’s a step in the right direction. It would be even better if the entire U.S. program of targeted killings in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia were scrapped. By embracing drones as a primary foreign policy tool, President Barack Obama … Continue reading “The Dangerous Seduction of Drones”