Balkans Leaders Chose Servitude

It’s been a fact for at least a year now, ever since the Treaty of Ohrid was signed, that the Balkans was fully conquered. Perhaps the final, unnecessary confirmation came in March, when the last remnant of the last Yugoslav federation was officially dismantled. Those who inherited the rubble of what used to be Yugoslavia … Continue reading “Balkans Leaders Chose Servitude”

Balkans and the Big Picture

Hollywood did it again last weekend, as the Chris Rock-Anthony Hopkins feature Bad Company revolved around preventing "Yugoslav" terrorists from blowing up New York City with a nuclear weapon. Even the film critics saw through such a pathetic plot setup. But it must have been rather embarrassing when a most unlikely suspect was arrested Monday … Continue reading “Balkans and the Big Picture”

The Long Shadow of Kosovo

This week, news from the Balkans has focused on the arrival of Bosnia’s new viceroy and the Serbian parliamentary purges. The fact that “Paddy” Ashdown, an accomplished belligerent statist, was to become Bosnia’s new overlord was already mentioned here. And while purges in Serbia might sound like exciting reading, they are but empty political posturing … Continue reading “The Long Shadow of Kosovo”

Charlatans In Charge

The unprecedented farce that unfolded at the Hague Inquisition’s "courtroom" last week transcended shocking, pushed the limits of even this kangaroo court’s credibility, and perfectly exemplified the past decade in the former Yugoslavia. What it has shown, and what most people don’t seem to understand, is that Imperial military, political, and economic interventions were just … Continue reading “Charlatans In Charge”

Empire in the Balkans: Hypocrisy Rampant

Next to the ever-present irony and all-pervading lies, hypocrisy is a major fixture of the Balkans nowadays. Besides the usual discrepancy between words and deeds common to politics, there is also a frequent discrepancy between words themselves, a sure sign that those who speak them have as much commitment to principles as a windsock.Like Master, … Continue reading “Empire in the Balkans: Hypocrisy Rampant”

Images Worth a Thousand Lies

Given the pervasiveness of mass entertainment in the United States, and the dominance of US-made entertainment in the world markets, one should not underestimate the impact American popular culture has on world events. History may be written by government-paid scholars and crooked journalists, but its vastly simplified form is burned into the minds of the … Continue reading “Images Worth a Thousand Lies”

Lessons of Forgotten Wars

This column has claimed before, not so long ago, that what happened in the Balkans had significant implications for events elsewhere in the world. From the International Criminal Court based on the Hague Inquisition, to advocates of overt imperialism emboldened by the "success" of Balkans interventions, waves generated by Yugoslavia’s violent implosion are reaching the … Continue reading “Lessons of Forgotten Wars”