Return to the Right?

Furor over the strong showing of the Radicals in Serbia’s failed presidential election has just subsided in the West, when news came of Croatia’s electoral results. Three years after imploding upon the death of its leader, the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) regained power with a slim but respectable parliamentary majority. Reports from Croatia, while nowhere … Continue reading “Return to the Right?”

An Edifice of Lies

The Nazi invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941 unleashed a maelstrom of pent-up violence between its people. Four bloody years later, the Communists emerged as the new power in the Balkans, reshaping Yugoslavia to their liking. Legacies of wartime carnage and genocide were shoved into hibernation, and Tito’s regime proceeded to create its own inter-ethnic conflicts … Continue reading “An Edifice of Lies”

The Untouchables

Last Wednesday, former KLA commander Agim Ceku was arrested in Slovenia on an Interpol warrant forwarded by Serbia. The following morning, after the intervention of Kosovo’s UN viceroy Harri Holkeri, fierce protests in Pristina, and even (reportedly) threats of terrorism against Slovenia, he was released. According to agency reports cited by Reality Macedonia, Holkeri told … Continue reading “The Untouchables”

Visiting the Vassals

Following in the footsteps of Bill Clinton, two more former Imperial dignitaries have toured the occupied Balkans this past weekend. Onetime stepfather of Bosnia Richard Holbrooke and former Kosovo viceroy Bernard Kouchner visited Sarajevo and Pristina, reminiscing about their glory days. The adulation of local media and politicians must have made them believe they actually … Continue reading “Visiting the Vassals”

Citizen Clark?

by Nebojsa Malic KLA leader Hashim Taqi, Viceroy Bernard Kouchner, General Sir Michael Jackson, KLA commander Agim Ceku, and General Wesley Clark celebrate the victory of their joint enterprise; Pristina, 1999, credit unknown It is normally not within the bounds of this column to offer commentary on internal American issues, with the notable exception of … Continue reading “Citizen Clark?”