The Unraveling of Pax Americana?

Faced with its justifications for the troublesome conquest of Iraq regularly being torn to shreds, it seems that Washington is poised to make a tactical retreat from the Middle East. Some serious analysts are interpreting this as the sign of Empire’s coming implosion, and with good reasons. A retreat from Iraq, Kosovo, Bosnia, or any … Continue reading “The Unraveling of Pax Americana?”

The Madness of Carla Del Ponte

Louise Arbour had it easy. She followed NATO’s instructions, made only as much fuss as she was told, and retired to the Canadian Supreme Court. It fell on Carla Del Ponte, her successor as the Head Inquisitor of the Hague kangaroo court, to actually put together and prosecute a case against Slobodan Milosevic and the … Continue reading “The Madness of Carla Del Ponte”

The Irrational Empire

It is not necessary to examine Iraq or Afghanistan to realize that much of what makes up the United States’ foreign policy makes very little sense. Washington’s 14-year record in the Balkans reveals as much upon even a cursory examination. For example, the US demands extradition of Balkans leaders to its illegally created puppet “tribunal” … Continue reading “The Irrational Empire”

In the Balkans, Same Old Evil

After spending some time virtually unnoticed, the Balkans is creeping back into the limelight. Events in the peninsula continue to develop along the policy lines drawn with blood and iron over the past decade, demonstrating that the forces intent on establishing an American Empire are active on more fronts than just the Middle Eastern quagmire. … Continue reading “In the Balkans, Same Old Evil”

A Bipartisan Empire

One of the deadliest illusions persistent among the American public is the belief that Empire’s foreign policy is partisan by nature. Thus much of the opposition to American legions enforcing “liberty” in Iraq is aimed at Bush the Republican, just as feeble opposition to Kosovo and Bosnia targeted Clinton the Democrat. A closer look, however, … Continue reading “A Bipartisan Empire”

Mr. Clark Goes To The Hague

After much fanfare, generated by the unprecedented censorship agreement between Washington and the Hague Inquisition, wannabe Emperor Wesley Clark appeared before the “court” early this week to testify against Slobodan Milosevic. It is not yet known what Clark actually said, since Washington demanded – and the ICTY agreed – that the testimony would be censored, … Continue reading “Mr. Clark Goes To The Hague”

Twisted Words, False Justice

Many words – and through them, concepts – have been cheapened and corrupted by their abuse in the cause of power. “Genocide” is one, used with increasing frequency in victim politics to discredit an enemy and demand assistance. “Terrorism” comes to mind nowadays. There is also the deliberate but erroneous conflation of “liberty” and “democracy,” … Continue reading “Twisted Words, False Justice”