Obama’s War on Whistleblowers Finds Another Target

Sometimes, it’s hard to grasp just how our world has been transformed since September 11, 2001. But here’s a little exchange at NBC Nightly News a few days back – just part of the humdrum flow of TV news-chat – that somehow caught my attention. News anchor Brian Williams and Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea … Continue reading “Obama’s War on Whistleblowers Finds Another Target”

The Wonderful American World of Informers and Agents Provocateurs

Back in the early 1970s, I worked for Pacific News Service (PNS), a small antiwar media outfit that operated out of the Bay Area Institute (BAI), a progressive think tank in San Francisco.  The first story I ever wrote for PNS came about because an upset U.S. Air Force medic wanted someone to know about … Continue reading “The Wonderful American World of Informers and Agents Provocateurs

The U.S. Military and the Unraveling of Africa

The other day, Hamid Karzai, the U.S.-supported Afghan president who was once sardonically nicknamed “the mayor of Kabul,” had a few curious things to say about American policy in the Muslim world. Karzai, of course, is a man whose opinions – whether on U.S. special operations forces and their (out of control) militias, U.S. night … Continue reading “The U.S. Military and the Unraveling of Africa”

The Making of a Global Security State

As happens with so much news these days, the Edward Snowden revelations about National Security Agency (NSA) spying and just how far we’ve come in the building of a surveillance state have swept over us 24/7 – waves of leaks, videos, charges, claims, counterclaims, skullduggery, and government threats When a flood sweeps you away, it’s … Continue reading “The Making of a Global Security State”

Bradley Manning vs. SEAL Team 6

Okay, give them this much: their bloodlust stops just short of the execution chamber door. The military prosecutors of the case against Bradley Manning, presumably with the support of the Obama administration, have brought the virulent charge of “aiding the enemy” against the Army private who leaked state secrets. Yet they claim to have magnanimously … Continue reading “Bradley Manning vs. SEAL Team 6”

Miscarriages of Justice

Sometimes, when you watch the strange, repetitive political dance that swirls around the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba — the president announcing yet again that he plans to “close” it and the Republicans in Congress swearing that they won’t let him — it’s hard not to wonder what alternative universe we live in. The … Continue reading “Miscarriages of Justice”

Are Washington, Moscow, and Beijing Creating a New Cold War?

Imagine for a moment that in 2010, China’s leaders had announced a long-term, up to $60 billion arms deal with an extreme Islamic fundamentalist regime in the Middle East, one that was notoriously repressive to women and a well-known supporter of the Taliban.  Imagine as well that the first $30 billion part of that deal, involving 84 advanced jet fighters, was … Continue reading “Are Washington, Moscow, and Beijing Creating a New Cold War?”

The Eternal War?

Twelve and a half years after Congress didn’t declare war on an organization of hundreds or, at most, thousands of jihadis scattered mainly across the backlands of the planet, and instead let President George W. Bush and his cohort loose to do whatever they wanted; twelve and a half years after the president, his top officials, his neocon supporters, … Continue reading “The Eternal War?”

Who’s Profitting From America’s Empire of Bases?

Every now and then, news about U.S. military bases abroad actually gets a little attention.  The most recent example: Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s announcement that the U.S. will be able to keep nine bases after the 2014 withdrawal of its combat troops.  (“‘They want nine bases… across the country, in Kabul, Bagram, Mazar, Jalalabad, Gardez, Kandahar, Helmand, … Continue reading “Who’s Profitting From America’s Empire of Bases?”

Israel, Iran, and the Nuclear Freight Train

Has a weapon ever been invented, no matter how terrible, and not used?  The crossbow, the dreadnought, poison gas, the tank, the landmine, chemical weapons, napalm, the B-29, the drone: all had their day and for some that day remains now.  Even the most terrible weapon of all, the atomic bomb, that city-buster, that potential … Continue reading “Israel, Iran, and the Nuclear Freight Train”