We Have to Destroy Our Constitution To Save It

Originally posted at TomDispatch. A new book, as well as the first account written by a participant, remind us that, in the world of the national security state, when it comes to pure and simple illegality in the monitoring of, spying on, and surveillance of American citizens, there really is nothing new under the sun.  … Continue reading “We Have to Destroy Our Constitution To Save It”

Special Ops Goes Global

Originally posted at TomDispatch. It’s said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So consider the actions of the U.S. Special Operations Command flattering indeed to the larger U.S. military. After all, over recent decades the Pentagon has done something that once would have been inconceivable. It has divided the whole globe, just about … Continue reading “Special Ops Goes Global”

American Jihad 2014

Originally posted at TomDispatch. In a 1950s civics textbook of mine, I can remember a Martian landing on Main Street, U.S.A., to be instructed in the glories of our political system. You know, our tripartite government, checks and balances, miraculous set of rights, and vibrant democracy. There was, Americans then thought, much to be proud … Continue reading “American Jihad 2014”

Washington’s Wedding Album From Hell

Originally posted at TomDispatch. The headline – “Bride and Boom!” – was spectacular, if you think killing people in distant lands is a blast and a half. Of course, you have to imagine that smirk line in giant black letters with a monstrous exclamation point covering most of the bottom third of the front page … Continue reading “Washington’s Wedding Album From Hell”

America’s Child Soldiers

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Another week, another revelation about spying by the National Security Agency. This time, it was the NSA’s infiltration of online video games and virtual realms like World of Warcraft and Second Life. And it was hardly a shock. More than a decade ago, TomDispatch began reporting on the U.S. military’s collaborations … Continue reading “America’s Child Soldiers”

In the Shadow of War

Originally posted at TomDispatch. In the years when I was growing up more or less middle class, American war on the childhood front couldn’t have been sunnier. True, American soldiers were fighting a grim new stalemate of a conflict in Korea and we kids often enough found ourselves crouched under our school desks practicing for … Continue reading “In the Shadow of War”

How the CIA Bungled the War on Terror

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Call it the Jason Bourne strategy. Think of it as the CIA’s plunge into Hollywood – or into the absurd.  As recent revelations have made clear, that Agency’s moves couldn’t be have been more far-fetched or more real.  In its post-9/11 global shadow war, it has employed both private contractors and … Continue reading “How the CIA Bungled the War on Terror”

1984 Was an Instruction Manual

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Once upon a time, you might have said that someone “disappeared.” But in the 1970s in Argentina, Chile, and elsewhere, that verb grew eerily more active in its passive form. He or she no longer “disappeared,” but “was disappeared” – up to 30,000 Argentineans by their own military in the course … Continue reading1984 Was an Instruction Manual”

The American Homeland Is the Planet

Originally posted at TomDispatch. As with the rest of our homeland security state, when it comes to border security, reality checks aren’t often in the cards. The money just pours into a world of remarkable secrecy and unaccountability. Last week, however, the Government Accountability Office released a report about a Transportation Security Administration decision to … Continue reading “The American Homeland Is the Planet”