At the Altar of American Greatness

Originally posted at TomDispatch. The members of what TomDispatch regular Andrew Bacevich, author of America’s War for the Greater Middle East, calls “the Church of America the Redeemer” are in some disarray these days and in quite an uproar over the new Pope and his aberrant set of cardinals now ensconced in Washington. Perhaps there … Continue reading “At the Altar of American Greatness”

Mission Unaccomplished, 15 Years Later

Originally posted at TomDispatch. If you’re going to surround yourself with generals in the Oval Office, as Donald Trump has done, that means one thing in these years: you’re going to appoint men whose careers were made (or unmade) by what was once known as the Global War on Terror. They will be deeply associated … Continue reading “Mission Unaccomplished, 15 Years Later”

The China Missile Crisis of 2018?

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Consider it an irony or simply a reality of our moment, but these days Donald ("America First") Trump is looking ever less like an old-fashioned, pre-World War II isolationist. In a mere three-plus weeks in office, he’s managed to mix it up royally with much of the rest of the planet. … Continue reading “The China Missile Crisis of 2018?”

Now Who’s the Enemy?

Let’s face it: since 9/11 everything in our American world has been wildly out of proportion. Understandably enough, at the time that attack was experienced as something other than it was. In the heat of the moment, it would be compared to city-destroying or world-ending Hollywood disaster films (“It was like one of them Godzilla … Continue reading “Now Who’s the Enemy?”

Investing in the Military (and Little Else)

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Last Friday, Donald Trump made his first visit to the Pentagon where he spoke of signing an order to begin “a great rebuilding of the armed services of the United States,” something he’s been advocating for quite a while. As TomDispatch regular Bill Hartung indicates today, this will mean a massive … Continue reading “Investing in the Military (and Little Else)”

A Living Nightmare of Intelligence Groupthink

Originally posted at TomDispatch. They call themselves the U.S. "Intelligence Community," or the IC. If you include the office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which in 2005 began as a crew of 12 people, including its director, and by 2008 had already grown to a staff of 1,750, there are 17 members (adding … Continue reading “A Living Nightmare of Intelligence Groupthink”

The Iranian Connection in the Age of Trump

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Tell me if this sounds familiar: the leadership of a distant nation has its own ideas about whom you should vote for, or who should rule your country, and acts decisively on them, affecting an election. Such interference in the political life of another country must be a reference to… no, … Continue reading “The Iranian Connection in the Age of Trump”

History After ‘The End of History’

Originally posted at TomDispatch. It’s easy to forget just how scary the "good times" once were. I’m talking about the 1950s, that Edenic, Father-Knows-Best era that Donald Trump now yearns so deeply to bring back in order to "make America great again." Compared to the apocalyptic fears of those years, present American ones would seem … Continue reading “History After ‘The End of History’”

Special Ops, Shadow Wars, and the Golden Age of the Gray Zone

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Don’t think the fad for “draining the swamp” began on the campaign trail with Donald Trump. It didn’t, although the “swamp” to be drained in the days after the 9/11 attacks wasn’t in Washington; it was a global one. Of course, that’s ancient history, more than 15 years old. Who even … Continue reading “Special Ops, Shadow Wars, and the Golden Age of the Gray Zone”

All the President’s Generals

Originally posted at TomDispatch. In a sense, human history could be seen as an endless tale of the rise and fall of empires. In the last century alone, from the Hapsburgs and Imperial Japan to Great Britain and the Soviet Union, the stage was crowded with such entities heading for the nearest exit. By 1991, … Continue reading “All the President’s Generals”