Tweets Are Not Enough, It’s Time To End Some Wars Already

In typical Trumpian fashion, the president threw out some red meat to the antiwar crowd during one of his Twitter storms last week and declared all US troops will be home from Afghanistan by Christmas. Since then, the military has remained relatively mum on the actual plan, and Americans have been bombarded by a deluge … Continue reading “Tweets Are Not Enough, It’s Time To End Some Wars Already”

Former Intel Officials Try To Downplay Ratcliffe’s Russiagate Releases

US Intelligence officials were quick to speak through their stenographers in the media to downplay the contents of a memo released last week by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe about the origins of Russiagate. The memo made an explosive claim: Russian intelligence assessed that Hillary Clinton approved a campaign in July 2016 to link … Continue reading “Former Intel Officials Try To Downplay Ratcliffe’s Russiagate Releases”

Both Sides Have a Foreign Boogeyman to Blame for the 2020 Election

Almost four years of Democrats and liberal mainstream pundits hysterically blaming President Trump’s 2016 victory on Russia has done enormous damage to U.S. political discourse. Besides the immense danger of ramping up tensions with another major nuclear power, Russiagate has also influenced Republicans and right-wingers to use the same tactic to bash Trump’s opponent for … Continue reading “Both Sides Have a Foreign Boogeyman to Blame for the 2020 Election”

The US Has No Place in the South China Sea Dispute

The new Cold War between the U.S. and China is being played out on many fronts. Washington is passing legislation and putting sanctions on Chinese officials over issues from Taiwan to Xinjiang. But perhaps the most dangerous front — the one most likely to erupt into a military conflict — is the South China Sea. … Continue reading “The US Has No Place in the South China Sea Dispute”

Pompeo’s Flimsy Case for Extending the Arms Embargo on Iran

As part of its continued “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, the Trump administration is pushing to extend a UN arms embargo on the Islamic Republic that is set to expire in October. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently presented the UN Security Council with a list of grievances against Iran, a list full of unsubstantiated … Continue reading “Pompeo’s Flimsy Case for Extending the Arms Embargo on Iran”

Stumbling Towards Catastrophe: The New Cold War With China

With tensions between the US and China at an all-time high, experts warn the two powers are closer to a military confrontation than ever before. A war with China should be unthinkable in Washington since the conflict could be catastrophic to the entire world as the threat of it erupting into a full-blown nuclear war … Continue reading “Stumbling Towards Catastrophe: The New Cold War With China”

As Coronavirus Rips Through Yemen, Saudi Bombs Continue to Fall

With an already shattered medical infrastructure due to the five-year US-Saudi siege, Covid-19 has rapidly spread through Yemen. The Arab country lacks the basic necessities for preventative measures like clean water, and a population facing malnourishment is especially vulnerable to the disease. A recent uptick in Saudi bombing might put a country already on the … Continue reading “As Coronavirus Rips Through Yemen, Saudi Bombs Continue to Fall”

The Danger of Sending in the Troops: The Killing of David McAtee

In the wake of the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police, protests erupted across the United States. Along with the demonstrations came some looting and violence, which gave states the excuse to deploy National Guard troops and enact curfews in major cities. A beloved barbecue chef in Louisville, Kentucky was shot … Continue reading “The Danger of Sending in the Troops: The Killing of David McAtee”

Steve Bannon’s Bizarre Plot to Take Down the CCP

New Yorkers looked to the sky in puzzlement the night of June 3rd as a fleet of airplanes circled New York Harbor with banners that read “Congratulations New Federal State of China.” Behind the bizarre stunt was exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. The duo deemed the Chinese … Continue reading “Steve Bannon’s Bizarre Plot to Take Down the CCP”

US Interference Gives Beijing Cover To Tighten Its Grip on Hong Kong

One of the more dangerous symptoms of the Covid-19 pandemic is the ever-increasing tensions between Washington and Beijing. The relationship could be the worst it’s been since President Nixon’s historic trip to China in 1972. This new Cold War is being played out in many theaters, including Hong Kong, which has served as a stage … Continue reading “US Interference Gives Beijing Cover To Tighten Its Grip on Hong Kong”