Why So Many Mercenaries in Iraq?

Just now it’s Blackwater USA that’s in the spotlight due to the shooting that left 17 Iraqis dead on September 16, and a history of being more aggressive than most in their duties of guarding U.S. diplomats and other various hangers-on. The Iraqi government, in a development that just might presage its coming together into … Continue reading “Why So Many Mercenaries in Iraq?”

Machiavelli’s Real Transgression

I was planning to write about Blackwater and a growing distaste for contracting-out, privatizing or outsourcing various operations in wartime to "mercenaries," and I will a bit. But the topic of mercenaries got me to thinking about Machiavelli, who famously advised the ruler in his small masterpiece, The Prince, to avoid mercenaries. "Mercenaries and auxiliaries … Continue reading “Machiavelli’s Real Transgression”

Padilla Case a Source of Deep Shame for America

The news story in the New York Times actually painted the conviction Thursday of terrorism suspect Jose Padilla as "a significant victory for the Bush administration." The L.A. Times suggested something rather similar. It was far from that. If anything, it was a repudiation of the way the administration handled his case. But that doesn’t … Continue reading “Padilla Case a Source of Deep Shame for America”