McCain’s Foreign Policy Record Not Representative of ‘American Values’

Arizona senator John McCain recently criticized Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for statements about sometimes setting aside American values in foreign policy. Tillerson said in an address to the State Department on March 3rd, that "if you condition our national security efforts on someone adopting our values…it really creates obstacles to our ability to advance … Continue reading “McCain’s Foreign Policy Record Not Representative of ‘American Values’”

The Special Counsel Comes to Town: It’s the Moscow Trials, Revisited

Donald Trump ran on a platform of improving relations with Russia: his victory was a mandate for that policy. Yet the real power in this country doesn’t reside within the ballot box, and that reality was brought home when the Justice Department appointed a “special counsel” to investigate “any links and/or coordination with the Russian … Continue reading “The Special Counsel Comes to Town: It’s the Moscow Trials, Revisited”

In Iran’s Elections the ‘Deep State’s’ Taboos Are Broken and Redlines Are Crossed

Iran’s 12th presidential elections will be held on Friday May 19. President Hassan Rouhani, a moderate conservative backed by the Reformists is running for his second term. Initially, there were five other candidates in the race, who were Eshaq Jahangiri, Rouhani’s Principal Vice President (Iran has 11 vice presidents), Mostafa Hashemi Taba, a Reformist and … Continue reading “In Iran’s Elections the ‘Deep State’s’ Taboos Are Broken and Redlines Are Crossed”

The Human Price of Trump’s Wars

Originally posted at TomDispatch. “The wandering scribe of war crimes” is how TomDispatch regular Ann Jones once described me. Indeed, for more than a decade, across three continents, I’ve been intermittently interviewing witnesses and victims, perpetrators and survivors of almost unspeakable atrocities. I can’t count the number of massacre survivors and rape victims and tortured … Continue reading “The Human Price of Trump’s Wars”

Jewish Nation-State Bill: Israel’s Precarious Identity Is Palestine’s Nightmare

The Israeli Knesset (parliament) has hurriedly passed a new bill that defines Israel as the “national home of the Jewish people.” Although the association between Jewishness and Israel goes back to the foundation of the state, the new law also carries clear discriminatory elements that target the country’s Arab communities, numbering nearly two million people. … Continue reading “Jewish Nation-State Bill: Israel’s Precarious Identity Is Palestine’s Nightmare”

Seth Rich, the DNC, and WikiLeaks: The Plot Thickens

According to the District of Columbia’s Metropolitan Police Department, the nation’s capital reported 135 homicides last year. One of those homicides, the killing of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich on July 10, 2016, continues to make news ten months later. Who killed Seth Rich, and why? We may never know for sure. On the … Continue reading “Seth Rich, the DNC, and WikiLeaks: The Plot Thickens”

Did Seth Rich Contact WikiLeaks?

Two stories are now dominating the headlines: one is something the Establishment wants you to pay attention to, and the other is something they want to bury. First off, to the former: The Washington Beltway is in an uproar over the latest Deep State attempt to tar the President of the United States as a … Continue reading “Did Seth Rich Contact WikiLeaks?”