How To End the Korean War

What in the name of all that’s holy is going on in North Korea? This question is always hard to answer because they don’t call it the Hermit Kingdom for nothing. Very little comes out of the notoriously reclusive – and repressive – Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, and not that much gets in. But … Continue reading “How To End the Korean War”

Is McCain Hijacking Trump’s Foreign Policy?

"The senator from Kentucky," said John McCain, speaking of his colleague Rand Paul, "is working for Vladimir Putin … and I do not say that lightly." What did Sen. Paul do to deserve being called a hireling of Vladimir Putin? He declined to support McCain’s call for a unanimous Senate vote to bring Montenegro into … Continue reading “Is McCain Hijacking Trump’s Foreign Policy?”

WikiLeaks Vault 7 Reveals CIA Cyberwar and the Real Battleground of Democracy

WikiLeaks dropped a bombshell on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named "Vault 7", the whistleblowing site began releasing the largest publication of confidential documents, that have come from the top secret security network at the Cyber Intelligence Center. Long before the Edward Snowden revelations, Julian Assange noted how "The Internet, our greatest tool of emancipation, … Continue reading “WikiLeaks Vault 7 Reveals CIA Cyberwar and the Real Battleground of Democracy”

US and Israeli Codependent Relationship Is Not Just about Money

“We must look back twenty-five years to realize how far Israel has fallen in world support,” wrote famed Jewish scholar, Harvard sociologist, Nathan Glazer in 1976. In the last forty years since Glazer wrote his piece, which was uncovered and transmitted by Philip Weiss, Israel’s global support has fallen much further. The country that once … Continue reading “US and Israeli Codependent Relationship Is Not Just about Money”

Why Is Donald Trump Lunching With a Saudi War Criminal While Yemenis Are Starving?

While President Trump sat down for a sumptuous meal at the White House on Tuesday, March 14 with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, millions of Yemenis are going hungry thanks to Trump’s lunch guest.Prince Salman is only 31 years old, but as the king’s favorite son, he was put in charge of the … Continue reading “Why Is Donald Trump Lunching With a Saudi War Criminal While Yemenis Are Starving?”

Is the Vault 7 Source a Whistleblower?

It is the leakiest of times in the Executive Branch. Last week, WikiLeaks published a massive and, by all accounts genuine, trove of documents revealing that the CIA has been stockpiling, and lost control of, hacking tools it uses against targets. Particularly noteworthy were the revelations that the CIA developed a tool to hack Samsung … Continue reading “Is the Vault 7 Source a Whistleblower?”