Inconsistencies in Trump’s National Security Policies

The recent North Korean missile tests raise questions about contradictions in President Donald Trump’s national security policies. During his campaign Trump implied that the United States should fight fewer wars overseas and demanded that US dependents, Japan and South Korea, do more for their own defense, perhaps even getting nuclear weapons. Yet a recent article … Continue reading “Inconsistencies in Trump’s National Security Policies”

Will Russiagate Backfire on the Left?

The big losers of the Russian hacking scandal may yet be those who invested all their capital in a script that turned out to based on a fairy tale. In Monday’s Intelligence Committee hearings, James Comey did confirm that his FBI has found nothing to support President Trump’s tweet that President Obama ordered him wiretapped. … Continue reading “Will Russiagate Backfire on the Left?”

War Is Not an Option for Korea

“Let me be very clear: The policy of strategic patience has ended,” U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters at a news conference in Seoul, South Korea. “All options are on the table,” Tillerson continued, including “an appropriate response” to any North Korean threat. The United States and North Korea are like two “accelerating … Continue reading “War Is Not an Option for Korea”

McCain and Montenegro: The Anatomy of a Conspiracy Theory

Just in case you thought the conspiracy theory that Russia secretly controls the US government is exclusively an affliction affecting the Democratic party, Sen. John McCain’s recent performance on the floor of the US Senate should disabuse you of this optimistic notion. Responding to Sen. Rand Paul’s blocking of a vote in favor of the … Continue reading “McCain and Montenegro: The Anatomy of a Conspiracy Theory”

Did Obama Spy on Trump?

The question of whether former President Barack Obama actually spied on President Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign and transition has been tantalizing Washington since President Trump first made the allegation nearly two weeks ago. Since then, three investigations have been launched – one by the FBI, one by the House of Representatives and … Continue reading “Did Obama Spy on Trump?”

Trump: Yet Another War President?

Is Donald Trump going to be yet another American war president? Come to think of it, is there any other kind? This is no accident. Tom Engelhardt has an insightful article at TomDispatch today about how Trump the blowhard is a product of blowback from America’s failed wars, notably Iraq. There’s much truth in this … Continue reading “Trump: Yet Another War President?”