Bravo, Donald! The Imperial City Can’t Stand The Truth About Its ‘Bloody Hands’

David Stockman has agreed to send every reader a free copy of his newest book, Trumped! when you take his special Contra Corner offer. Click here now for the details. When President Trump blurted out the truth about Washington’s "bloody hands" during his interview with Bill O’Reilly this weekend, the mainstream media, Imperial City … Continue reading “Bravo, Donald! The Imperial City Can’t Stand The Truth About Its ‘Bloody Hands’”

‘Isolationist’ Trump Rattles His Saber

A few libertarians and other principled opponents of the warfare state assured us we likely would sleep easier with Donald Trump, rather than any neoconservative or humanitarian interventionist, in the White House. How’s that working out? Not so well. I’m hoarding melatonin and buying stock in Lunesta. In its opening days the Trump administration has … Continue reading “‘Isolationist’ Trump Rattles His Saber”

Pentagon Spending: Up, Up, and Away!

Show me your budget and I’ll tell you what you value. Under the Trump administration, what is valued is spending on military weaponry and wars. The Pentagon is due to get a major boost under Trump, as reported by the Associated Press and FP: Foreign Policy: Money train. It’s looking like it might be Christmas … Continue reading “Pentagon Spending: Up, Up, and Away!”

The Warlords of Kiev

The warlords of Kiev are going on the offensive, violating the terms of the Minsk peace accords, and attacking separatist rebels in the eastern part of the country in a desperate bid to provoke open conflict with Russia. What motivates them is fear of President Donald Trump, who has often expressed a desire to “get … Continue reading “The Warlords of Kiev”

Trump’s Hard Line on Iran Will Give Saudis Free Hand in Yemen

The Trump administration’s truculent warning last week that it was putting Iran “on notice” over its recent missile test and a missile strike on a Saudi warship off the coast of Yemen appears calculated to convince the American public that the current administration is going to be tougher on Iran than the Obama administration was. … Continue reading “Trump’s Hard Line on Iran Will Give Saudis Free Hand in Yemen”

Trump In Trouble: It’s The Economy, Stupid – Not Crime and Terrorists

David Stockman has agreed to send every reader a free copy of his newest book, Trumped! when you take his special Contra Corner offer. Click here now for the details. We don’t get that exercised about President’s Trump’s fondness for alternate facts – especially when they elicit coronaries among the rows of talking heads … Continue reading “Trump In Trouble: It’s The Economy, Stupid – Not Crime and Terrorists”

Remembrances of ‘Bromances’ Past

It is not easy to arouse the frequently dormant patriotism of the New York Times, that eminent journal more often preferring to stand by Samuel Johnson’s warning that patriotism is "the last refuge of a scoundrel." The dignified Times has generally found better ways to be a scoundrel and encourage others to be the same. … Continue reading “Remembrances of ‘Bromances’ Past”