Ban Ki-Moon’s Legacy in Palestine: Failure in Words and Deeds

Ban Ki-Moon’s second term as the Secretary General of the United Nations is ending this December. He was the most ideal man for the job as far as the United States and its allies are concerned. Of course, there will always be other Ban Ki-Moons. In fact, the man himself was a modified version of … Continue reading “Ban Ki-Moon’s Legacy in Palestine: Failure in Words and Deeds”

Where Is That Wasteful Government Spending?

In early September 2016, Donald Trump announced his plan for a vast expansion of the U.S. military, including 90,000 new soldiers for the Army, nearly 75 new ships for the Navy, and dozens of new fighter aircraft for the Air Force. Although the cost of this increase would be substantial – about $90 billion per … Continue reading “Where Is That Wasteful Government Spending?”

The New Cold Warriors Sic the FBI on Donald Trump

While we have gotten used to the neo-McCarthyite tactics employed by the Clinton campaign linking Donald Trump to the Kremlin, the whole disgraceful operation has reached a new low with the introduction of US law enforcement agencies into the mix. According to a report by Michael Isikoff – who has become the Judy Miller of … Continue reading “The New Cold Warriors Sic the FBI on Donald Trump”

How the Pentagon Sank the US-Russia Deal in Syria – and the Ceasefire

Another US-Russian Syria ceasefire deal has been blown up. Whether it could have survived even with a US-Russian accord is open to doubt, given the incentives for al-Qaeda and its allies to destroy it. But the politics of the US-Russian relationship played a central role in the denouement of the second ceasefire agreement. The final … Continue reading “How the Pentagon Sank the US-Russia Deal in Syria – and the Ceasefire”

Do Orcs Love Their Children Too?

The World of Warcraft movie flopped in the States. That’s no great injustice. The movie isn’t exactly high fantasy. It compares miserably to “sword and sorcery” classics like the Lord of the Rings trilogy. But there is one failing in Tolkien’s tales that Warcraft avoids. This flaw was pointed out by Game of Thrones creator … Continue reading “Do Orcs Love Their Children Too?”

What To Do in Syria: Stop the Killing

Maybe half a million dead, half a country – 10 million people – displaced from their homes, jettisoned onto the mercy of the world. Welcome to war. Welcome to Syria. This is a conflict apparently too complex to understand. The U.S. brokered a ceasefire with Russia, then proceeded to lead a bombing strike that killed … Continue reading “What To Do in Syria: Stop the Killing”