Nicholas Kristof: War Crimes Enabler

We all saw the little Syrian boy in besieged Aleppo, wiping blood from his forehead, covered in dust and clearly in shock. How could we help it? Practically every newspaper in the country printed his photo, along with a caption blaming the Syrian military and/or the Russians for his plight. The video is all over … Continue reading “Nicholas Kristof: War Crimes Enabler”

Bread and Circuses: The F-35 Buzzes Over Chicago

If the city of Chicago were a house, the State would have condemned it as blighted property long ago, bulldozing its rotten wood and crumbling concrete structure into a pile fit for a funeral pyre. Chicago hasn’t been condemned yet, despite the city’s abundance of bureaucrats, infamous history of government corruption and violence wrought upon … Continue reading “Bread and Circuses: The F-35 Buzzes Over Chicago”

China and the US Are Approaching Dangerous Seas

A combination of recent events, underpinned by long-running historical strains reaching back more than 60 years, has turned the western Pacific into one of the most hazardous spots on the globe. The tension between China and the United States “is one of the most striking and dangerous themes in international politics,” says The Financial Times’ … Continue reading “China and the US Are Approaching Dangerous Seas”

The Hunger To Fix Syria, and the Indifference Towards Yemen

Earlier this week, a young Syrian boy made the news in the worst, most captivating fashion. It often takes one photo of an atrocity to get the attention of the world for even a news cycle. Be it a tween naked and napalmed in Vietnam, a starving Sudanese child next to a leering vulture, or … Continue reading “The Hunger To Fix Syria, and the Indifference Towards Yemen”

Back to the Future

I was going through some old boxes last year, uncovering the detritus and memories of times past, when I came upon a folder marked “Rothbard manuscript.” What I discovered inside has recently been published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute under the title Never a Dull Moment: A Libertarian Look at the Sixties. As I … Continue reading “Back to the Future”

Turkey and Iran Reach Agreement on Conditions for Syria Peace

In a stunning diplomatic surprise, Turkey and Iran have announced a preliminary agreement on fundamental principles for a settlement of the Syrian conflict. The dramatic turn in the diplomacy of the Syria War was revealed in Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim’s regular weekly speech to the ruling AKP Party in the parliament and confirmed by … Continue reading “Turkey and Iran Reach Agreement on Conditions for Syria Peace”

Jennifer Rubin: Hillary Must Stop Peace With Iran at All Costs!

After anxiously and incessantly angling for a hardcore neoconservative to take the Republican presidential nomination, the Washington Post’s online blogger Jennifer Rubin has made the long journey home. Rebuffed by Republican voters who selected Donald Trump as their candidate, Rubin’s gunpowder breath is now desperately seeking Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s ear. Her message? This damned … Continue reading “Jennifer Rubin: Hillary Must Stop Peace With Iran at All Costs!”