Hillary Clinton and the Politics of Overcompensation

Likely Democratic party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is a woman – and that seems to be a very large part of her platform. She talks incessantly about her gender and how it infuses her politics, and her supporters, taking their cues from her, are quick to label any and all criticism of Mrs. Clinton as … Continue reading “Hillary Clinton and the Politics of Overcompensation”

Obama and the Myth of Hiroshima

On May 27, Barack Obama became the first sitting American president to visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, the site of the world’s first atomic bombing. Though highly photogenic, the visit was otherwise one that avoided acknowledging the true history of the place. Like his official predecessors (Secretary of State John Kerry visited the Peace Memorial … Continue reading “Obama and the Myth of Hiroshima”

BDS a Bigger Issue After Israel’s Rightward Shift

40 years after the US formally criminalized the participation of US citizens in economic boycotts of the state of Israel, Americans remain strongly divided on the question of the BDS movement, which seeks to protest Israeli behavior in the occupied territories through boycotts, divestment, and sanctions. While there were some ad-hoc boycotts against Israel even … Continue reading “BDS a Bigger Issue After Israel’s Rightward Shift”

ADL’s Challenge to Pro-Peace & Justice Groups

On Monday morning NPR’s Tom Gjelten reported the Anti-Defamation League’s recent challenges interfacing with peace and justice groups in the aftermath of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson and Black Lives Matter movement. According to Gjelten, the Anti-Defamation League arose in 1913 to "put an end forever to unfair and unjust discrimination against…any sect or body … Continue reading “ADL’s Challenge to Pro-Peace & Justice Groups”

Hillary on the Ropes

Late last week, the inspector general of the State Department completed a yearlong investigation into the use by Hillary Clinton of a private email server for all of her official government email as secretary of state. The investigation was launched when information technology officials at the State Department under Secretary of State John Kerry learned … Continue reading “Hillary on the Ropes”

David French and the Cult of the Soldier

Earlier this week, Weekly Standard editor William Kristol continued his frantic efforts to prevent the nomination of Donald Trump by suggesting that National Review writer, attorney, and Iraq war veteran David French was a good choice for an independent run for president. The backlash against French was fierce, and immediate. And soon after came the … Continue reading “David French and the Cult of the Soldier”