Peter Beinart and the Specter Haunting American Jewry

Since even before its release last month, Peter Beinart’s The Crisis of Zionism has been extravagantly denounced and praised. To his everlasting credit, Beinart has described in vivid and uncompromising terms the corrupting and corrosive impact of the American Jewish establishment he so courageously exposed in The New York Review of Books: At the core … Continue reading “Peter Beinart and the Specter Haunting American Jewry”

Washington Felons Fret Over Hanky-Panky in Cartagena

Americans are frequently most hypocritical when they are responding to a sex scandal. The tale of the sins and omissions of the Obama secret service team in Colombia is still being revealed, piece by piece. The miscreants constituted a so-called advance team, flying on a military aircraft, which goes into a location where a protected … Continue reading “Washington Felons Fret Over Hanky-Panky in Cartagena”

Nullify the NDAA

On Dec. 31, 2011, while Americans celebrated the arrival of the new year, President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This was nothing unusual in and of itself, as Congress approves an annual defense spending bill. What made the 2012 NDAA particularly newsworthy are sections 1031 and 1032, which allow the … Continue reading “Nullify the NDAA”

Iraq’s Kurds And Sunnis Complain Over Lack of Power Sharing

Kurdish President Massoud Barzani warned Baghdad that Shi’ite leaders must agree to share power with their political opponents or the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region will seek full secession. Meanwhile, at least 10 Iraqis were killed and 17 more were wounded in the latest assaults

Memory Failure at the Pentagon

Call it a mantra, a litany, or a to-don’t list, but the drip, drip, drip of Afghan disaster and the gross-out acts accompanying it have already resulted in one of those classic fill-you-in paragraphs that reporters hang onto for whenever the next little catastrophe rears its ugly head. Here’s how that list typically went after … Continue reading “Memory Failure at the Pentagon”

Proliferation Intelligence or Proliferation of Intelligence?

The one constant in American history is that government bureaucracies grow and proliferate rather than shrink and dwindle. Despite its secrecy — or perhaps because of it —  the intelligence community is no exception. After 9/11, changing over to fight against small, nimble terrorist groups, instead of the massive, ossified bureaucracies of communist countries, was … Continue reading “Proliferation Intelligence or Proliferation of Intelligence?”

The Regime-Change Machine

The world is in chaos, war is breaking out all over, there’s blood flowing in the streets of cities from the Middle East to Africa, but not to worry – we’ve got an “Atrocity Prevention Board”! Now doesn’t that make you feel much better? The board is chaired by the infamous Samantha Power – whose … Continue reading “The Regime-Change Machine”

Get Serious About Syria

The Syrian conflict continued to boil — or boil over — when Syrian troops fired across the Turkish border on April 9, apparently killing either fleeing refugees or armed combatants. However, despite continued words of caution from the Pentagon and White House about getting into another messy Middle East war, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton … Continue reading “Get Serious About Syria”

9 Killed in New Iraq Attacks

The Iraqi government announced a pay cut for the highest paid Sahwa members. The Shi’ite-led government was to have folded these former Sunni fighters into regular jobs but has, so far, failed to do so. About 40,000 are still at their posts. At least nine Iraqis were killed and 18 more were wounded in new attacks. Another seven foreign nationals were wounded in a bombing.

How Think Tanks Think

When liberal Americans find themselves at a loss as to why Democrats appear to walk, talk and gurgle like Republicans on national security issues — especially during election season — they honestly need to look no further than the powerful think tank apparatus in Washington for the culprit. First of all, it is important to … Continue reading “How Think Tanks Think”