A Start on Guantánamo, but Not Enough

Speaking at a press conference to mark his first 100 days in office, Barack Obama made two bold claims about the policies he has already implemented to tackle the executive overreach of the Bush administration, with regard to detention and interrogation policies in the "War on Terror." "We have rejected the false choice between our … Continue reading “A Start on Guantánamo, but Not Enough”

Saturday: 3 US Soldiers, 3 Iraqis Killed; 7 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 7:13 EDT, May 2, 2009 Two U.S. soldiers were killed in a small arms attack Mosul, while attacks in Basra and Fallujah left no American casualties. Meanwhile, at least three Iraqis were killed and seven more were wounded in those and other attacks. The Dept. of Defense today released the name of a U.S. soldier who died April 10 of an illness.