Flight Path to Disaster in Afghanistan

One of the eerier reports on the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan appeared recently in the New York Times. Journalist John Burns visited the Russian ambassador in Kabul, Zamir N. Kabulov, who, back in the 1980s, when the Russians were the Americans in Afghanistan, and the Americans were launching the jihad that would eventually wend its … Continue reading “Flight Path to Disaster in Afghanistan”

Hillary at Foggy Bottom?

In his victory speech, Barack Obama told us: “I will listen to you, especially when we disagree.” And, you know what? I believe him. He will listen. That’s the one important difference, I think, between the outgoing and incoming administrations: George W. Bush would no sooner listen to ordinary Americans when it comes to the … Continue reading “Hillary at Foggy Bottom?”

Michael Moore’s Off-Color Draft Joke

The first official "decree" of our new president should be to draft the children of the rich, according to Michael Moore’s latest book, Mike’s Election Guide 2008. Moore’s presidential decree builds on the idea that a draft would swell popular resistance to the occupation of Iraq, just as it increased opposition to the Vietnam War. … Continue reading “Michael Moore’s Off-Color Draft Joke”

Sunday: 37 Iraqis Killed, 30 Wounded

Updated at 8:55 p.m. EST, Nov. 16, 2008The Iraqi Cabinet approved a U.S-Iraqi security agreement that will allow U.S. troops to remain in Iraq and forwarded it to Parliament for their approval. Meanwhile, at least 37 Iraqis were killed and 30 more were wounded in today’s attacks. No Coalition deaths were reported, but the U.S. … Continue reading “Sunday: 37 Iraqis Killed, 30 Wounded”

US Task Force Found Few Iranian Arms in Iraq

Last April, top George W. Bush administration officials, desperate to exploit any possible crack in the close relationship between the Nouri al-Maliki government and Iran, launched a new round of charges that Iran had stepped up covert arms assistance to Shia militias. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates suggested that there was “some sense of … Continue reading “US Task Force Found Few Iranian Arms in Iraq”

Saturday: 4 US GIs, 16 Iraqis Killed; 75 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 8:35 p.m. EST, Nov. 15, 2008At least 16 Iraqis were killed and 75 more were wounded in the latest round of violence. Four U.S. servicemembers died in separate incidents, including a helicopter crash in Mosul. Meanwhile, Iraqi and U.S. negotiators have agreed on a draft of a controversial U.S.-Iraqi security pact that will … Continue reading “Saturday: 4 US GIs, 16 Iraqis Killed; 75 Iraqis Wounded”

Clinton-Gore III?

It appears increasingly likely that the most important and enduring legacy of the Bush-Cheney administrations will be the destruction of the international nuclear-weapons proliferation-prevention regime as it existed at the end of the second Clinton-Gore administration. Which is ironic, since President Clinton had hoped to make his legacy the elimination of nuclear-weapons altogether, getting every … Continue reading “Clinton-Gore III?”

Obama’s Challenges Are Unprecedented in US History

Few incoming presidents have been left by their predecessors with as many challenges as Barack Obama. In fact, with the daunting terrain facing the incoming president, one wonders why Obama and John McCain even wanted the office. Other presidents facing an uphill task when taking office were: – George Washington, who had to hold the … Continue reading “Obama’s Challenges Are Unprecedented in US History”

Israel Tightens Chokehold on Village of Entrepreneurs

The sun is sinking fast behind the trees of an olive grove on the outskirts of the West Bank village of Nilin. After a day of confrontations between the Israeli army and the Palestinian villagers over Israel’s building of its separation wall on Nilin’s land, the soldiers appear finally to have gone. Overlooked by the … Continue reading “Israel Tightens Chokehold on Village of Entrepreneurs”

Friday: 3 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 4:15 p.m. EST, Nov. 14, 2008Only two reports of Iraqi casualties came out of Iraq today. In them, three people were wounded. It is the prayer day and many journalists and gunmen take the day off, but this figure is far below normal. Instead, the Associated Press published a report on the difficulty … Continue reading “Friday: 3 Iraqis Wounded”