The Limits of Change

As I write this, we are 24 hours away from the end of this seemingly endless presidential campaign, and all the signs point to a victory – some would say an overwhelming victory – by Barack Obama. I won’t make any predictions here, what with the Bradley Effect and other unknowns – including the possibility … Continue reading “The Limits of Change”

Two, Three, Many Grand Bargains?

As the United States waded ever deeper into the Indochinese quagmire in the early 1960s, the Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara called for "two, three, many Vietnams" to bog down the superpower in unwinnable Third World conflicts that would drain its treasury and overstretch its military. While today’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are not quite … Continue reading “Two, Three, Many Grand Bargains?”

Will the Next President Be Any Better?

U.S. voters will elect a new president on Tuesday who will at least not be George W. Bush. Whether he will be wise enough to adjust to emerging realities in the world at large is another question. Despite its importance – do you think the financial crisis would have emerged so soon (though it was … Continue reading “Will the Next President Be Any Better?”

The End of a Subprime Administration

They may have been the most disastrous dreamers, the most reckless gamblers, and the most vigorous imperial hucksters and grifters in our history. Selling was their passion. And they were classic American salesmen – if you’re talking about underwater land in Florida, or the Brooklyn Bridge, or three-card monte, or bizarre visions of Iraqi unmanned … Continue reading “The End of a Subprime Administration”

Sunday: 25 Iraqis Killed, 24 Wounded

Updated at 4:10 p.m. EST, Nov. 2, 2008At least 25 Iraqis were killed and 24 more were wounded during numerous but small attacks today. No Coalition deaths were reported. Also, the Iraqis expect a response to amendments in a contentious security agreement to come after U.S. presidential elections on Tuesday. Instead of creating a long-term … Continue reading “Sunday: 25 Iraqis Killed, 24 Wounded”

Saturday: 10 Iraqis Killed, 9 Wounded

Updated at 7:12 p.m. EDT, Nov. 1, 2008Few casualty reports came out of Iraq again today; however, at least 10 Iraqis were killed and another 9 were wounded across the country. Meanwhile, an Iraqi parliamentarian said that women in MNF jails were detained when wanted male relatives were not locatable. Also, Iraq has set aside … Continue reading “Saturday: 10 Iraqis Killed, 9 Wounded”

Ghosties, Ghoulies and Iran’s Nuclear Program

"From Ghosties and Ghoulies and Long-Legged Beasties and Things that Go Bump in the Night, Good Lord deliver Us." So goes an old Scottish bedtime prayer. But, this Halloween – if various neo-crazies, fellow travelers and their media sycophants are to be believed – children ought to include Iran’s nuclear programs in that list. Just … Continue reading “Ghosties, Ghoulies and Iran’s Nuclear Program”

Is a ‘Resurgent’ Russia a Threat to the United States?

The Russian military was clearly superior to that of a small country in its "near abroad" – Georgia – but is a "resurgent" Russia a threat to the United States? If the United States insists on expanding its informal empire into Russia’s nearby sphere of influence, it has to expect some pushback from a Russia … Continue reading “Is a ‘Resurgent’ Russia a Threat to the United States?”