Iraq Monthly Roundup: 116 Killed or Executed in June

During June, at least 53 people were killed and another 12 were wounded in attacks across Iraq. Another 63 people were executed. If it were not for the executed prisoners, the casualty figures wounded be dramatically smaller than last month’s tally. In May, 132 people were killed, and another 46 were wounded.

Attacks involving militants left two civilians, two servicemembers, and 25 militants dead. Seven civilians, four servicemembers, and one militant were wounded.

In the conflict between Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (P.K.K.). one Turkish soldier and 23 P.K.K. members were reported killed.

Also, 63 detainees were reported executed at the Nasariya prison. For years, rights groups have been concerned that the Iraqi government conducts improper trials and have demanded more transparency.

In the latest violence, at least 29 people were killed, and five more were wounded:

Turkish strikes against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (P.K.K.) left six guerrillas dead.

Four more P.K.K. guerrillas were killed in separate strikes.

Gunmen killed a Peshmerga major general, whose wife is a parliament member.

An old bomb in Qadisiya killed a child.

A man was killed and his brother was wounded when they found a war remnant and tried to cut it open near Mandali.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.