Iraq Daily Roundup: 20 Killed in Various Attacks/Operations

At least 20 people were killed, and six more were wounded:

Three soldiers were killed, and two more were seriously wounded in a roadside bombing Khan Bani Saad. The group were there to investigate the fatal shooting of a security member.

Gunmen killed a policeman at a checkpoint west of Mosul.

In Mariam Bek, gunmen killed a federal policeman.

A sniper killed a policeman in Umm al-Adhaim.

A Federal policeman was wounded in a shooting in Debs.

A blast in Jalawla wounded three soldiers.

In Dour, at least 11 militants were killed. Three were killed a day earlier.

Two militants were killed during an operation in Kirkuk.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.