Washington’s Illegal, Immoral Meddling in Syria Faces Mounting Problems

The illegal U.S. military occupation in northeastern Syria is rapidly turning into a policy debacle as well.  There is little question that the presence of U.S. troops and armed contractors (mercenaries) is utterly illegal under international law.  The Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad, which is recognized by the United Nations and the vast … Continue reading “Washington’s Illegal, Immoral Meddling in Syria Faces Mounting Problems”

Contempt for Press Freedoms: U S Officials Bar Tucker Carlson from Interviewing Putin

Tucker Carlson reports that the U.S. government prevented him from interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin.  Carlson told the Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche that he had sought to arrange an interview with Putin, but U.S. officials blocked him. “I tried to interview Vladimir Putin, but the U.S. government prevented me from doing so. Think about [the … Continue reading “Contempt for Press Freedoms: U S Officials Bar Tucker Carlson from Interviewing Putin”

Congressional and Media Hypocrisy on Cluster Bombs

This originally appeared at the Future of Freedom Foundation. The U.S. elite’s alleged commitment to human rights and opposition to war crimes was just put to the test in an especially clear fashion. Not surprisingly, both Congress and the American news media failed that test. On September 27, 2023, the U.S. House of Representatives voted … Continue reading “Congressional and Media Hypocrisy on Cluster Bombs”

Washington’s Strategic Overextension

The Biden administration seems determined to pursue highly confrontational policies toward both Moscow and Beijing.  The United States, through its leadership of NATO, is pursuing a full-blown proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.  Indeed, that initiative appears to be only part of a larger plan to fatally weaken Russia as a major power. Washington’s confrontation … Continue reading “Washington’s Strategic Overextension”

One Western Official Finally Comes Clean About NATO Expansion

Reprinted from The Libertarian Institute: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg likely surprised both factions in the ongoing debate about NATO expansion and its role in triggering the Russia-Ukraine War. He also undermined (perhaps fatally) the official cover story about the reasons for the Ukraine war. Since Russia’s February 2022 invasion, Western officials and their allies … Continue reading “One Western Official Finally Comes Clean About NATO Expansion”

Washington Is the Matchmaker for the Russia-North Korea Romance

The summit meeting between Russian president Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has led to a surge of pearl clutching among the U.S. foreign policy establishment and its allies in the corporate news media.  Warnings are growing that the meeting signals greater military cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang, which portends an increased security … Continue reading “Washington Is the Matchmaker for the Russia-North Korea Romance”

The Bipartisan Assault on the Right to Travel

This originally appeared at the Future of Freedom Foundation. Americans used to boast proudly that unlike most countries in the world, domestic travel in the United States was unfettered by legal obstacles. Unfortunately, an array of restrictions on airline travel reduced that freedom, but one could still drive from Massachusetts to California without once having … Continue reading “The Bipartisan Assault on the Right to Travel”

Will Ukraine’s Western Apologists Finally Admit the Truth?

For Western officials and their news media conduits who have carefully crafted the myth that Ukraine is a vibrant democracy, the past few weeks have been extremely challenging.  First came the revelation that members of the country’s draft boards had engaged in a pervasive degree of corruption. Prospective conscripts were paying $5,000 bribes to avoid … Continue reading “Will Ukraine’s Western Apologists Finally Admit the Truth?”

The GOP Declares War on Mexico

The 8 candidates for the Republican presidential nomination featured in the August 23 televised debate feuded on several issues, including U.S. aid to Ukraine and the future role of former president Donald Trump.  There was no meaningful discord on one issue, however.  All 8 participants agreed that the flow of illegal drugs out of Mexico, … Continue reading “The GOP Declares War on Mexico”

The Myth of NATO as a Defensive Alliance

This originally appeared at the Future of Freedom Foundation. Western leaders have long fostered the self-serving myth that NATO is an organization solely for the mutual defense of its members. The corollary is that other nations therefore have no legitimate reason to fear the most powerful military alliance in history. After all, it is an … Continue reading “The Myth of NATO as a Defensive Alliance”