Sunday: 55 Iraqis Killed, 157 Wounded

Updated at 9:46 p.m. EST, March 7, 2010 As predicted Iraq suffered a barrage attacks during the election day, particularly in Baghdad where scores of blasts were heard across the city. At least 54 Iraqis were killed and 140 more were wounded. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates claimed he saw very little election-related violence, but the reports coming from Iraq itself indicate otherwise. Meanwhile, U.S. President Obama congratulated Iraqis on their national vote.

Seven Days in January

Sometimes it pays to read a news story to the last paragraph where a reporter can slip in that little gem for the news jockeys, or maybe just for the hell of it. You know, the irresistible bit that doesn’t fit comfortably into the larger news frame, but that can be packed away in the … Continue reading “Seven Days in January”