Strange Definitions of War and Peace

Listen to Rep. Ron Paul deliver this address. Last week I joined six Republican and three Democratic colleagues to file a lawsuit against the Obama administration over its illegal war against Libya. Now that more than 90 days have passed since the president began bombing Libya, no one can seriously claim that the administration has … Continue reading “Strange Definitions of War and Peace”

In 2012, Don’t Get Fooled Again

A few weeks back, the opening shots of Obama’s presidential campaign slammed through the thorax and right frontal lobe of Osama bin Laden, an electoral milestone astutely noted at the time by Alexander Cockburn. The second volley was discharged with the media equivalent of a silencer, as Obama signed into law an extension of the … Continue reading “In 2012, Don’t Get Fooled Again”

Holding the President Accountable on Libya

Listen to Rep. Ron Paul deliver this address. Last week, more than 70 days after President Obama sent our military to attack Libya without a congressional declaration of war, the House of Representatives finally voted on two resolutions attempting to rein in the president. This debate was long overdue, as polls show Americans increasingly are … Continue reading “Holding the President Accountable on Libya”

Obama Should Follow FDR’s Example in Dealing with Generals, Not Lincoln’s

Barack Obama, a president with no prior military experience, has so far cowered in the presence of the military and U.S. defense establishment. The most recent example is the passing-over of Gen. James “Hoss” Cartwright to take over the job of Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the number-one military man … Continue reading “Obama Should Follow FDR’s Example in Dealing with Generals, Not Lincoln’s”

Worse Than a Third Bush Term?

If in 2008 someone had said that Obama’s war policy would be more belligerent and costlier than another round of Bush’s, nearly no one would have believed it. Bush started a preventive war in Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands without any credible correlation to U.S. security, except perhaps a very negative one. He turned a … Continue reading “Worse Than a Third Bush Term?”

Enabling a Future American Dictator

Click to listen to Rep. Ron Paul deliver this address. These are truly troubling days for liberty in the United States. Last week, the 60-day deadline for the president to gain congressional approval for our military engagement in Libya under the War Powers Resolution came and went. The media scarcely noticed. The bombings continued. We … Continue reading “Enabling a Future American Dictator”

‘Bibi’ Votes Republican

Not since Nikita Khrushchev berated Dwight Eisenhower over Gary Powers’ U-2 spy flight over Russia only weeks earlier has an American president been subjected to a dressing down like the one Barack Obama received from Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday. With this crucial difference. Khrushchev ranted behind closed doors and, when Ike refused to apologize, blew … Continue reading “‘Bibi’ Votes Republican”

Obama and the Mideast Arms Trade

Say it ain’t so, Osama! His take-down was the story that grabbed almost 69 percent of the American “news hole” the week it happened, and from a media point of view it turns out to be the gift that never stops giving. Small wonder, since it’s got just about everything: multiple wives, lost high-tech stealth … Continue reading “Obama and the Mideast Arms Trade”

Obama Faces Mounting Arab Disillusionment

On the eve of a much-anticipated address by President Barack Obama on U.S. policy in the Middle East, a new survey suggests that disillusionment with both Obama and Washington’s approaches to the region are once again on the rise throughout the Muslim world. The survey by the Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project (GAP) found … Continue reading “Obama Faces Mounting Arab Disillusionment”

Obama vs. Reagan on AIPAC

Politico reports that President Barack Obama may attend the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) gathering in Washington, D.C. According to documents released last week by the National Archives, President Ronald Reagan had a more appropriate answer to invitations [.pdf] and party pressure to attend AIPAC’s gathering on May 15, 1988—”No, thanks” [.pdf]. Until … Continue reading “Obama vs. Reagan on AIPAC”