Creating a Market for Security

The War on Terror is a marketing campaign for security industries and terrorism experts. The latter are pulling in the consulting fees, and the former are rapidly inventing new products that enable "our" government to watch our every move and to know our location at every moment. Although it should be working on its corporate … Continue reading “Creating a Market for Security”

Crime Blotter:
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

While serving as President Bush’s White House lawyer, Alberto Gonzales advised Bush that the president’s wartime powers permitted Bush to ignore the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and to use the National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on U.S. citizens without obtaining warrants from the FISA court as required by law. Under an order signed … Continue reading “Crime Blotter:
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.”

The Confession Backfired

The first confession released by the Bush regime’s Military Tribunals – that of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – has discredited the entire process. Writing in Jurist, Northwestern University law professor Anthony D’Amato likens Mohammed’s confession to those that emerged in Stalin’s show trials of Bolshevik leaders in the 1930s. That was my own immediate thought. I … Continue reading “The Confession Backfired”

The Last Days of Constitutional Rule?

The Bush administration’s greatest success is its ability to escape accountability for its numerous impeachable offenses. The administration’s offenses against US law, the US Constitution, civil liberties, human rights, and the Geneva Conventions, its lies to Congress and the American people, its vote-rigging scandals, its sweetheart no-bid contracts to favored firms, its political firing of … Continue reading “The Last Days of Constitutional Rule?”

How Much More Harm Can Bush Do?

U.S. casualties (dead and wounded) have now reached 27,000 in a war that was supposed to be a "cakewalk," over in a few weeks. If what four-star Gen. Wesley Clark, former supreme commander of NATO, told Amy Goodman in a March 2 interview is correct, U.S. casualties are yet in their early days. Gen. Clark … Continue reading “How Much More Harm Can Bush Do?”

Americans Have Lost Their Country

The Bush-Cheney regime is America’s first neoconservative regime. In a few short years, the regime has destroyed the Bill of Rights, the separation of powers, the Geneva Conventions, and the remains of America’s moral reputation along with the infrastructures of two Muslim countries and countless thousands of Islamic civilians. Plans have been prepared, and forces … Continue reading “Americans Have Lost Their Country”

Criminals Control the Executive Branch

Gentle reader, you are probably unaware of former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski’s damning indictment of the Bush Regime in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 1, 2007, as the United States no longer has a media – only a government propaganda ministry. Brzezinski damned the Bush Regime’s war in Iraq … Continue reading “Criminals Control the Executive Branch”

The Crime of the Century

President George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq is the greatest crime of the 21st century. Armed with a powerful moral case against Bush, whose lies are responsible for a war that has caused thousands of U.S. casualties and killed vast numbers of Iraqi civilians, Democratic leaders are damning Bush’s war because it did not succeed! … Continue reading “The Crime of the Century”

Bush Is About to Attack Iran

The American public and the US Congress are getting their backs up about the Bush Regime’s determination to escalate the war in Iraq. A massive protest demonstration is occurring in Washington DC today, and Congress is expressing its disagreement with Bush’s decision to intensify the war in Iraq. This is all to the good. However, … Continue reading “Bush Is About to Attack Iran”

The Empire Turns Its
Guns on the Citizenry

In recent years American police forces have called out SWAT teams 40,000 or more times annually. Last year did you read in your newspaper or hear on TV news of 110 hostage or terrorist events each day? No. What then were the SWAT teams doing? They were serving routine warrants to people who posed no … Continue reading “The Empire Turns Its
Guns on the Citizenry”