Bush Opts for Civil War in Iraq

What are we to make of the news reports that Baghdad is to be encircled and divided into smaller and smaller sections by 40,000 Iraqi and 10,000 U.S. troops backed by U.S. airpower and armor in order to conduct house-to-house searches throughout the city to destroy combatants? Is this generous notice of a massive offensive … Continue reading “Bush Opts for Civil War in Iraq”

Is Bush a Sith Lord?

The current episode of Star Wars is dynamite for the duplicitous Bush administration. Palpatine, a Sith lord masquerading as a galactic republican, becomes chancellor of the Galactic Republic through deception. Palpatine uses wars that he instigates to elevate security over the power of the Senate and to become dictator. In a moment of triumph, Palpatine … Continue reading “Is Bush a Sith Lord?”

America’s Reputation in Tatters

George W. Bush and his gang of neocon warmongers have destroyed America’s reputation. It is likely to stay destroyed, because at this point the only way to restore America’s reputation would be to impeach and convict President Bush for intentionally deceiving Congress and the American people in order to start a war of aggression against … Continue reading “America’s Reputation in Tatters”

Call Me Unaccountable: Woodrow Wilson and George Bush

The passage of time permits historians to be truthful in their assessments of presidents. Abe Lincoln, a Republican Party icon since 1865, was exposed in the 21st century as America’s first tyrant by Thomas DiLorenzo. Woodrow Wilson, a Democratic icon since the early 20th century, has now been knocked off his pedestal by Jim Powell … Continue reading “Call Me Unaccountable: Woodrow Wilson and George Bush”

Draft Needed to Bail Out Neocons

One of the favorite fantasies of right-wing talk radio and Fox "News" is that only Bush-hating liberals oppose the Iraq war and additional U.S. military incursions into the Middle East or wherever. Yet, it is the March issue of the Washington Monthly, a magazine with a liberal Democratic audience, that makes a case for the … Continue reading “Draft Needed to Bail Out Neocons”

Unhappy With One Quagmire, Bush Looks for Another

How much longer can American prestige survive the embarrassments inflicted by President Bush? Bush’s demand that Syria immediately withdraw its troops from Lebanon is a ricochet demand. If Lebanon cannot have free elections while under foreign military occupation, how, asks the rest of the world, does Iraq have free elections when it is under U.S. … Continue reading “Unhappy With One Quagmire, Bush Looks for Another”

Outfoxed by bin Laden

President Bush’s invasion has turned Iraq into a recruiting and training ground for anti-U.S. terrorists, according to CIA Director Porter Goss in testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Feb. 16. Goss’ report was supported by Vice Admiral Lowell Jacoby, director of the the Defense Intelligence Agency. Jacoby told the committee that "our … Continue reading “Outfoxed by bin Laden”

Conservative Sycophants Lose Credibility

The conservative media will never recover from its role as Chief Sycophant for the Bush administration. Journalists who demanded that Clinton be held accountable for a minor sex scandal (Monica Lewinsky) and a minor financial scandal (Whitewater) now serve as apologists and propagandists for the Bush administration’s major war scandals. The Republican House of Representatives … Continue reading “Conservative Sycophants Lose Credibility”

We Have Nothing to Fear But Bush Himself

Suppose you are the party responsible for invading a country under totally false pretenses. Suppose you had totally unrealistic expectations about the consequences of your gratuitous aggression. What do you do when, instead of being greeted with flowers, you find your army is tied down by insurgents and you have no face-saving way to get … Continue reading “We Have Nothing to Fear But Bush Himself”

Abandoning Liberty, Gaining Insecurity

Should Americans have to give up the Bill of Rights in order to be “safe” from terrorists? Actually, it doesn’t matter what Americans think. The trade has already been made – and without any input from the people. The “democracy” that America is exporting is in fact a Homeland Security State with more surveillance powers … Continue reading “Abandoning Liberty, Gaining Insecurity”