The Greatest Strategic Disaster in US History

Capitol Hill Blue, the Washington, D.C., publication that cultivates relationships with White House staffers, reports one White House aide saying, “It’s like working in an insane asylum. People walk around like they’re in a trance. We’re the dance band on the Titanic, playing out our last songs to people who know the ship is sinking … Continue reading “The Greatest Strategic Disaster in US History”

Bush Is Cooking Up Two More Wars

Mired in interminable conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush administration is moving toward initiating two more wars, one with Iran and one with North Korea. With no US troops available, the Bush administration is revamping US war doctrine to allow for “preventative nuclear attack.” In short, the Bush administration is planning to make the … Continue reading “Bush Is Cooking Up Two More Wars”

Will Neocon Fanaticism Destroy America?

The “cakewalk war” is now two and one-half years old. U.S. casualties (dead and wounded) number 20,000. As 20,000 is the number of Iraqi insurgents according to U.S. military commanders, each insurgent is responsible for one U.S. casualty. U.S. troops in Iraq number about 150,000. Obviously, U.S. troops have not inflicted 150,000 casualties on the … Continue reading “Will Neocon Fanaticism Destroy America?”

America Has Fallen to a Jacobin Coup

The most important casualties of Sept. 11 are respect for truth and American liberty. Propaganda has replaced deliberation based on objective assessment of fact. The resurrection of the Star Chamber has made moot the legal protections of liberty. The U.S. invasion of Iraq was based on the deliberate suppression of fact. The invasion was not … Continue reading “America Has Fallen to a Jacobin Coup”

From Federal Failure Arises More Federal Power

The New Orleans catastrophe is inexplicable. FEMA’s slow response is a mystery. Never before has federal funding for work by the U.S. Corps of Engineers on the New Orleans levees and for the congressionally authorized Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA) been curtailed in the face of dire expert warnings of the consequences. The … Continue reading “From Federal Failure Arises More Federal Power”

What’s Next, Mr. War President?

The raison d’etre of the Bush administration is war in the Middle East in order to protect America from terrorism and to ensure America’s oil supply. On both counts the Bush administration has failed catastrophically. Bush’s single-minded focus on the “war against terrorism” has compounded a natural disaster and turned it into the greatest calamity … Continue reading “What’s Next, Mr. War President?”

How New Orleans Was Lost

Chalk up the city of New Orleans as a cost of Bush’s Iraq war. There were not enough helicopters to repair the breached levees and rescue people trapped by rising water. Nor are there enough Louisiana National Guardsmen available to help with rescue efforts and to patrol against looting. The situation is the same in … Continue reading “How New Orleans Was Lost”

Does Anyone Know What We Are Doing in Iraq?

President Bush is out of touch with the American people, the U.S. military, and international political reality. With every poll showing smaller and smaller minorities approving of Bush and his war in Iraq, with top U.S. generals sending signals that they want to reduce U.S. troops in Iraq, and with the world at large viewing … Continue reading “Does Anyone Know What We Are Doing in Iraq?”

Get Ready for World War III

With every poll showing majorities of Americans both fed up with Bush’s war against Iraq and convinced that Bush’s invasion of Iraq has made Americans less safe, the White House moron proposes to start another war by attacking Iran. VP Cheney has already ordered the U.S. Strategic Command come up with plans to strike Iran … Continue reading “Get Ready for World War III”

Nuclear China Good, Nuclear Iran Bad?

What I have noticed about conservatives and Republicans is that they are no longer conservative and Republican. They believe in the efficacy of force. If we are losing in Iraq, it is because we are not using enough force. All we have to do to win in Iraq, they maintain, is to nuke the towel-heads. … Continue reading “Nuclear China Good, Nuclear Iran Bad?”