The Torturer Tries to
Save His Own Hide

President George Bush, betrayed by the neoconservatives whom he elevated to power and by his attorney general, Alberto Gonzales, who gave him wrong legal advice, is locked in a desperate struggle with the Republican Congress to save himself from war crimes charges at the expense of America’s reputation and our soldiers’ fate. Beguiled by neoconservatives, … Continue reading “The Torturer Tries to
Save His Own Hide”

Bush the Pitiful

People are beginning to feel sorry for President George W. Bush. And with good reason. A new poll by Harris Interactive published in the Financial Times reveals that our traditional European allies regard the United States as a much greater threat to world stability than Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. In European opinion, the axis … Continue reading “Bush the Pitiful”

The War Is Lost

The Pentagon’s latest quarterly "progress" report to Congress on Iraq is a grim tale of a lost war. The Pentagon told Congress what Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and propaganda organs such as Fox "News" never tell the American public, namely: The Sunni-based insurgency remains "potent and viable" despite spiraling Sunni-Shi’ite violence and beefed-up U.S. forces. Since … Continue reading “The War Is Lost”

The Five Morons Revisited

When the neocons launched the Bush administration’s invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and announced plans for invading Syria and Iran, I labeled Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Rice "the Five Morons." With the passage of time, I see that I overestimated their mental capabilities. The "cakewalk" war has now lasted longer than World War II … Continue reading “The Five Morons Revisited”

Bush Goes Retro to Avoid Prosecution

When I was a kid, John Wayne war movies gave us the message that America was the good guy, the white hat that fought the villain. Alas, today the U.S. and its last remaining non-coerced ally, Israel, are almost universally regarded as the bad guys over whom John Wayne would triumph. Today, the U.S. and … Continue reading “Bush Goes Retro to Avoid Prosecution”

US Complicit in Destruction of Lebanon

There never was any doubt of the Bush regime’s complicity in Israel’s naked aggression against the Lebanese civilian population. Bush has protected Israel from world condemnation. Bush has blocked those who attempted to bring a stop to Israel’s bombing of residential neighborhoods and civilian infrastructure, and now Bush rushes more bombs for Israel to drop … Continue reading “US Complicit in Destruction of Lebanon”

The Shame of Being an American

Gentle reader, do you know that Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing in southern Lebanon? Israel has ordered all the villagers to clear out. Israel then destroys their homes and murders the fleeing villagers. That way there is no one to come back and nothing to which to return, making it easier for Israel to … Continue reading “The Shame of Being an American”

A Handful of Neocons Are Instigating a Wider War

What explains the indifference of the Bush administration to the slaughter of civilians in Iraq, Lebanon, and Gaza? As of the morning of July 19, Israeli bombardments of Lebanese civilian residential districts and public infrastructure have murdered 300 Lebanese, wounded 1,000, and displaced 500,000. The Lebanese prime minister said that Israel’s attack has caused "unimaginable … Continue reading “A Handful of Neocons Are Instigating a Wider War”

We’re Being Set Up for Wider War in the Middle East

The old adage, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" does not apply to Americans, who have shown that they can be endlessly fooled. Neoconservatives deceived Americans into an illegal attack and debilitating war in Iraq. American neoconservatives are closely allied with Israel’s Likud Party. In the past, some neocons … Continue reading “We’re Being Set Up for Wider War in the Middle East”

Attention Deficit Americans Are Being Misled to War

A terrible thing is happening, and not enough Americans are aware to be able to do anything about it. Zionists in Israel and in the Bush administration are leading America into war with Iran, Syria, Hizbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine. The consequences for America, Israel and the Middle East will be disastrous, but … Continue reading “Attention Deficit Americans Are Being Misled to War”