Charles V. Peña
Charles V.
Peña is a senior fellow at the Independent
Institute, a senior fellow with the Coalition
for a Realistic Foreign Policy, a former senior fellow with the George
Washington University Homeland
Policy Institute, an adviser to the Straus
Military Reform Project, and an analyst for MSNBC television.
Peña is the co-author of Exiting
Iraq: Why the U.S. Must End the Military Occupation and Renew
the War Against al-Qaeda and author of Winning
the Un-War: A New Strategy for the War on Terrorism.
Foreign Follies
a Sobering Read
a Sobering Read”
Reducing the Risk of Nukes
Our Pals in Pakistan
The Future of Terrorism
Whither the Surge?
92,000 More Soldiers?
Requiem for a Dictator
Another Year,
Another Iraq Plan
Another Iraq Plan”