Never Mind Kosovo–What About New Mexico?

I was reminded of why I hate the Republican Party last Sunday morning while watching Tim Russert of “Meet the Press” prompt Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott on why we need to be involved everywhere. Iraq is supposedly building “long range missiles” in Khartoum, and “what are we going to do about that, Senator?” And … Continue reading “Never Mind Kosovo–What About New Mexico?”

Tom Paine (1737-1809) on War, Governments, and Trade

PAINE’S REPUTATION The English radical Thomas Paine was without contest the greatest propagandist of the American Revolution – in Common Sense, The Crisis, and other writings. His The Rights of Man, written in response to Edmund Burke’s broad attack on both English liberal republicanism and the fast-shifting French Revolution, has its merits as a summary … Continue reading “Tom Paine (1737-1809) on War, Governments, and Trade”

Beyond Left and Right

Editor’s note: This is an edited version of Justin Raimondo’s speech, “The Globalist Design,” to the Second Annual conference. BEYOND LEFT AND RIGHT “Beyond Left and Right: The New Face of the Antiwar Movement,” that was the theme of this, the second annual national conference, and it’s a catchy phrase – but what … Continue reading “Beyond Left and Right”

Blockading OPEC

Perhaps gasoline prices have gotten high enough that some people will be interested in a somewhat impish (and certainly impolitic) but quite possibly an effective way to get at the root of the problem. Stick with me a moment. The problem, from the perspective of American consumers, is that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries … Continue reading “Blockading OPEC”

Anti-imperialism, 1900

As sometimes noted here, many historians see the beginnings of American imperialism in the Spanish-American War. A war fought ostensibly for the freedom of the Cuban people allowed the United States to relieve Spain of its Pacific possessions, Guam, the Marianas, and the Philippines. We took Puerto Rico as well and Cuba became an American … Continue reading “Anti-imperialism, 1900”

Where Are We Going?

Where have we been, and where are we going? These are the two questions that preoccupy my mind these days, as we approach the one year anniversary of’s operation as a continuously-updated news and commentary site. A week away from the opening day of our second Annual Conference – when a full year will … Continue reading “Where Are We Going?”

Kosovo Revisited: Spies, Spooks and Censors

During the Kosovo war the lies of NATO were broadcast all over the world and supinely accepted by the “mainstream” media as the fountainhead of truth; indeed, those lies were embroidered, elaborated on and systematized into a full-blown delusional system, a mass hallucination generated by the Western media in which the Serbs were depicted as … Continue reading “Kosovo Revisited: Spies, Spooks and Censors”

Human Rights and Trade Policies

The existence of the World Trade Organization as something of a talisman of hope or of evil, depending on one’s predilections and the obvious continuance of gross and blatant human rights violations by the mainland Chinese regime make it difficult to view the range of possible relationships between the United States and China with anything … Continue reading “Human Rights and Trade Policies”