The Empire Plans Strikes

The word this week is that the Bush administration is engaged in a large-scale review of current policies that could lead to a massive military campaign against Iraq. The administration plans to have the review completed in time for Vice President Dick Cheney to inform Arab leaders of American plans during his planned tour of … Continue reading “The Empire Plans Strikes”


I should start with an apology, as this piece is wildly long, repetitive in purpose (check out Emmanuel Goldstein’s much more concise alternative), and dubious in form as an exercise in English prose. However, my moral qualms aren’t sufficient to spare you, for what I’m going to do – and even I don’t want to … Continue reading “A TORY LAMENTS:”

National Review’s Military Socialism

The utter cluelessness of what passes for ostensibly “conservative” leaders these days was brought home to me when I read the following item by National Review editor, Rich Lowry: “DOES THIS MAKE SENSE?: [Rich Lowry] “I love James Surowiecki of The New Yorker. He’s a great financial writer. So, I wonder about his argument in … Continue reading “National Review’s Military Socialism”

Peace Now. Now?! Well, Maybe Later

The last couple of weeks have witnessed a real awakening of the Israeli peace camp. This heterogeneous camp was beaten ideologically by the purported “generous offer” made by former PM Barak, whose belligerent legacy, as we argued earlier, consisted (of hundreds of victims and) of telling the world that “there was no partner for peace”. … Continue reading “Peace Now. Now?! Well, Maybe Later”

9/11 Cover Up?

While the attorney general is taking off after the Tali-boy, what about the truly criminal negligence of US law enforcement agencies, who clearly experienced some kind of massive intelligence meltdown? As Howard Kurtz points out in the Washington Post today [Thursday]: “For five long months, almost no one has wanted to gripe about it out … Continue reading “9/11 Cover Up?”

Consorting With the Axis of Evil

Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that interim Afghan prime minister Hamid Karzai was the darling of Washington? There he was during President Bush’s State of the Union address, making a fashion statement that was lovingly analyzed by various fawning commentators – the cape, hat, shirt and trousers were apparently characteristic of different regions … Continue reading “Consorting With the Axis of Evil”

How Everything Changed

"Everything has changed" – it’s the bromide of the season, and it’s horribly true. Things have gone from bad to worse to downright intolerable in the first weeks and months of World War III. What started out as a finely-tuned, focused hunt for the Evil One has turned into a free-for-all against the Axis of … Continue reading “How Everything Changed”