Justin Raimondo is on vacation. Today we present an appropriate classic from last year.The no-nonsense military affairs columnist Colonel David Hackworth, who gives his readers a grunt’s-eye view of what the perfumed princes of the Pentagon are up to, writes that “war is in the wind. But you wouldn’t know it if you get your … Continue reading “Classic Raimondo: THE MYTH OF THE SADDAM BOMB”

Will War Aid Bush’s Re-election?

President Bush’s popularity among American voters remains high, thanks primarily to his new and improved status as a wartime president. As he and his administration realize this fact, they accordingly plan to extend his status by escalating the war against terrorism into Iraq, and throughout the Moslem world. Their obvious political calculation is that if … Continue reading “Will War Aid Bush’s Re-election?”

The UN from Qana to Jenin

Last week, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan released a report on Israel’s attack on Jenin in April. A reminder of the highlights: After two weeks of heavy fighting in Jenin’s refugee camp, journalists and human rights organisations (including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International), who visited Jenin, unearthed numerous accounts of atrocities. Some 150 houses … Continue reading “The UN from Qana to Jenin”

Gameplanning: Team AIPAC’s 2002 Season

A couple of interesting tidbits appear on the "new this week" section on the website of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee: "Take Action! Urge Bush to Approve $200 Million to Israel… A $29 billion homeland security bill that recently passed in Congress with strong bi-partisan support includes $200 million in anti-terror aid for Israel. … Continue reading “Gameplanning: Team AIPAC’s 2002 Season”

Invasion Complications

Although the Senate hearings on a possible American attack on Iraq were generally disappointing, an inclination to ask questions does seem to have surfaced as the possibility of such a war becomes more imminent. Certainly the comments from House Majority Leader Dick Armey about the inadvisability of attacking a country without a substantial justification for … Continue reading “Invasion Complications”

Liberventionism III: The Flight from History

There have been complaints that I have not named the “liberventionists.” I do not see the necessity for this, since I assume that readers of this website read widely. For the record, however, let us stipulate that liberventionists include at least the following: many Objectivists, the CATO Institute, several self-named “anarchists” writing on the web, … Continue reading “Liberventionism III: The Flight from History”


Just as the news that the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Advisory Board had declared Saudi Arabia “the kernel of evil” was rolling into Washington, and roiling US relations with the Kingdom, another far less-noticed item off the Dow-Jones Newswire was putting the whole brouhaha in its proper context:“The fate of $25 billion in foreign investment into … Continue reading “GOING AFTER THE SAUDIS”