Summary Executions in Jenin

Israeli Occupation Forces are waging an unprecedented campaign to raze the Jenin refugee camp. In one case, eyewitness reports testify that more than 160 people have been transferred from one area of the camp to the village of Kufr Dan outside Jenin where they are being held without food, water, or medical supplies while the … Continue reading “Summary Executions in Jenin”

Arrogance of Empire

Most of the commentators, analysts, journalists and establishment talking heads have professed to be astounded this week that Ariel Sharon didn’t snap to immediately when President Bush, over the weekend, suggested that Israel should withdraw its forces from the West Bank "without delay." The phenomenon says more about the naiveté of most observers and the … Continue reading “Arrogance of Empire”

In the Eye of the Storm

Helicopter gunships fired into crowded areas of Nablus and Jenin again today. Nobody knows how many are dead. Yesterday’s count stopped at 44. Ariel Sharon hasn’t finished his "operation" yet. – Hold your horses, George, Tony; I’m going as fast as I can. Just have to make sure we’ve smoked out (and then snuffed out) … Continue reading “In the Eye of the Storm”

Your Friends In the West

I sometimes think the luckiest thing about America is that she doesn’t have within her borders ‘pro-Americans’. That is to say, she doesn’t, to any degree of public visibility have that troupe of people, who, for whatever amongst a wide range of reasons, take it upon themselves to be America’s ‘buddies’ overseas. To take an … Continue reading “Your Friends In the West”

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Postrel?

A note from the author: I apologize, in advance, for the sheer length of this column, but since it addresses the sell-out of basic libertarian principles by people and institutions who purport to speak in its name, I thought it important to address these questions thoroughly, with extensive quotations from those I name. Too bad, … Continue reading “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Postrel?”

Suicidal Truths

Under the especially revealing title "Suicidal Lies" (31.3), Thomas Friedman of the New York Times gives his distorted version of Middle East realities. Friedman’s short essay is full of flaws, but since he shouldn’t be taken all too seriously, I won’t bother to address his endlessly recycled legend about the so-called "generous offer" rejected by … Continue reading “Suicidal Truths”

The Anti-Americans

First it was the Pope coming out against Israel’s "humiliation" of the Palestinians, then, a day later, the President of the United States calling on Ariel Sharon to pull back his tanks. But don’t think that Israel’s Amen Corner didn’t see it coming. You gotta give these guys credit: they know when someone is about … Continue reading “The Anti-Americans”

The Real Anti-Semitism

A rash of particularly vicious anti-Semitic attacks in France – the burning of a synagogue and the beating of a French Jewish couple – has brought condemnation from the government of Lionel Jospin and, notably, from the Palestinian Authority representative in France and the grand mufti of Marseille, Soheib Bencheikh, who denounced “these barbarous acts”:"Our … Continue reading “The Real Anti-Semitism”