Bush Foreign Policy and the Failing Stock Market

Unending war, sacrificing free trade, breaking with Europe and telling allies to shove it, spending his time on planning a new war, neglecting domestic issues, making America the enemy of the whole Moslem world, disaffecting his Republican base, fumbling the battle against terrorism, and more. No wonder the stock market is afraid. World prosperity is … Continue reading “Bush Foreign Policy and the Failing Stock Market”


The proposal to create a new super-agency, the ominously Germanic-sounding Department of Homeland Security (HomeSec) that would absorb everything but the FBI and the CIA into a giant bureaucratic sinkhole – the BorgBureau – has certainly debunked the idea that central planning has been discredited. The American government’s response to the 9/11 terror attack, if … Continue reading “IN PRAISE OF SUBVERSION”

Does September 11th Matter?

Everyone, rightly, jumps up and down with enjoyable rage when anyone suggests that America had September 11th ‘coming’. And of course, no one would defend crashing airliners into skyscrapers, nor the cause for which this act was carried out. What is madness, plain and simple, is a refusal to consider why 20 men (and twenty … Continue reading “Does September 11th Matter?”


Although I am sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, and hardly a friend of Israel, I must admit to being shocked at the analogy – made by many in the anti-Israel camp – between the Jewish state and the Thousand Year Reich. I remember seeing photos of a pro-Palestinian demonstration in the US that had swastikas … Continue reading “EIN VOLK, EIN FUEHRER, EIN ISRAEL…”

Slow Death on the Jail Convoys of Misery

Shortly after Sept. 11, the war against al-Qaeda morphed into the war against the Taliban regime. As the US bombed Afghanistan, it enlisted the Northern Alliance (NA), led by the notoriously unsavory warlord Rashid Dostum, to do the dirty work on the ground. In "a US-orchestrated military operation" (6), the NA captured the Taliban stronghold … Continue reading “Slow Death on the Jail Convoys of Misery”

Slow Death on the Jail Convoys of Misery

Shortly after Sept. 11, the war against al-Qaeda morphed into the war against the Taliban regime. As the US bombed Afghanistan, it enlisted the Northern Alliance (NA), led by the notoriously unsavory warlord Rashid Dostum, to do the dirty work on the ground. In "a US-orchestrated military operation" (6), the NA captured the Taliban stronghold … Continue reading “Slow Death on the Jail Convoys of Misery”


The controversy over the fourth of July gunman at LAX, Hashem Mohamed Hadayet, known as "Ali," is typical of any issue involving Israel. Since it advances Israel’s interests to maintain that Hadayet was part of a larger terrorist operation, a footsoldier in a worldwide Islamofascist network, then it must be true. Which is why Israeli … Continue reading “A MATTER OF FACT”