Homeland Security Horrors

Most of the administration’s paper grandly proclaiming a "National Strategy for Homeland Security" is the kind of innocuous bureaucratic blather one finds in a report on waste management or wetlands maintenance. I’m not sure whether it’s alarming or reassuring to be confronted by such soporific sentences as "This is an exceedingly complex mission that requires … Continue reading “Homeland Security Horrors”


“Wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.”– … Continue reading “IN SEARCH OF MONSTERS”

Notes From the Wastebin of History

[nb: As Christopher Montgomery is away this week – paragliding in Tashkent – Antiwar.com is replacing him with stuff we found earlier in the week in a wastepaper bin, in a conference room in London’s Canary Wharf. Although the document is incomplete, it is clearly a transcription, and we believe the initials stand for the … Continue reading “Notes From the Wastebin of History”

Liberventionism II: The Flight from Theory

I have previously discussed “liberventionism” in this space. By this newly-minted word I refer to the doctrines of those libertarians who find little wrong with the general trend of U.S. foreign policy, before – and especially – after 9/11, The Day When Everything Changed. To start with the last item, there is probably a good … Continue reading “Liberventionism II: The Flight from Theory”

Shadows of Srebrenica

In the summer of 1995, the Bosnian War was rapidly approaching its conclusion. The balance of power was shifting, with Croatia joining the conflict semi-openly (with American blessing and encouragement) and the Bosnian Muslims bolstered by incoming weapons and mujahidin. In June, Muslim forces ("Army of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina") attacked on all fronts, making … Continue reading “Shadows of Srebrenica”

Welcome to the War on Terrorism, Comrade

You wanted our government to strike back at the terrorists by bombing Afghanistan, right? You cheered when President Bush stood tall and said, “Let’s roll!” And you applauded when he said he will root out the evil-doers everywhere in the world. And when innocent Afghans were killed, you said there’s bound to be “collateral damage” … Continue reading “Welcome to the War on Terrorism, Comrade”


Oh, for joy! The New York Times is telling us there’s a "Call in Congress for Full Airing of Iraq Policy" – this after George W. Bush has been rattling his saber in Saddam’s face for the past year or so, developed a comprehensive invasion plan, and already decided that the US will occupy Iraq … Continue reading “OUR PHONY FOREIGN POLICY ‘DEBATE’”

Opening Cuban Markets Good for Cubans and Americans

Washington, DC: Congressman Ron Paul is working with several congressional colleagues this week to end trade restrictions that hurt Texas farmers. While the House considers several large spending bills, including a bill that funds agricultural programs, Paul and others plan to use the amendment process to block the Cuban agricultural embargo. More than 270 members … Continue reading “Opening Cuban Markets Good for Cubans and Americans”


The “Citizens Corps” website describes the Terrorism Information and Prevention System (TIPS), a new federal program, as follows:“Operation TIPS – the Terrorism Information and Prevention System – will be a nationwide program giving millions of American truckers, letter carriers, train conductors, ship captains, utility employees, and others a formal way to report suspicious terrorist activity. … Continue reading “ONE MILLION BUSYBODIES”

Bush Foreign Policy and the Failing Stock Market

Unending war, sacrificing free trade, breaking with Europe and telling allies to shove it, spending his time on planning a new war, neglecting domestic issues, making America the enemy of the whole Moslem world, disaffecting his Republican base, fumbling the battle against terrorism, and more. No wonder the stock market is afraid. World prosperity is … Continue reading “Bush Foreign Policy and the Failing Stock Market”