Is Iraq Hell on Earth?

Eric Holt is a 28 year old Reserve Infantryman from New York State. Standing guard outside Baghdad’s Republican Palace the other day, he told a reporter from the London Independent his thoughts on the recent cakewalk: "We didn’t win this war, not at all. I don’t know what I’m doing here and I don’t like … Continue reading “Is Iraq Hell on Earth?”

Wolfowitz Committee Told White House to Hype Dubious Uranium Claims

A Pentagon committee led by Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, advised President Bush to include a reference in his January State of the Union address about Iraq trying to purchase 500 tons of uranium from Niger to bolster the case for war in Iraq, despite the fact that the CIA warned Wolfowitz’s committee … Continue reading “Wolfowitz Committee Told White House to Hype Dubious Uranium Claims”

Wolfowitz Committee Told White House to Hype Dubious Uranium Claims

A Pentagon committee led by Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, advised President Bush to include a reference in his January State of the Union address about Iraq trying to purchase 500 tons of uranium from Niger to bolster the case for war in Iraq, despite the fact that the CIA warned Wolfowitz’s committee … Continue reading “Wolfowitz Committee Told White House to Hype Dubious Uranium Claims”

‘The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions’

Since the start of the war in Iraq four months ago, 212 American soldiers have been killed, including 79 who have died since May 1, when President George Bush declared an end to major hostilities in Iraq. It’s unclear how many Iraqi civilians perished during major combat, but estimates say it is “several thousand.” The … Continue reading “‘The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions’”

What Happened to Conservatives?

The so-called conservative movement of the last 20 years, starting with the Reagan revolution of the 1980s, followed by the 1994 Gingrich takeover of the House, and culminating in the early 2000s with Republican control of both Congress and the White House, seems a terrible failure today. Republicans have failed utterly to shrink the size … Continue reading “What Happened to Conservatives?”

The ‘Necessary’ Hegemon Revisited

Lately, we have been hearing quite a lot from our Cousins across the water. All eaten-up with post-imperial malaise and envy of US leaders’ apparent good fortune, the Cousins are hard at work handing out friendly advice on how best to rule the world. They gave us a lot of advice just after 1763, if … Continue reading “The ‘Necessary’ Hegemon Revisited”


As the lies of the War Party come unraveled, we find that, like a sweater with a loose thread, if we pull on one lie the whole thing comes apart. When disinformation from forged documents purporting to show Iraq’s efforts to procure uranium in the African country of Niger somehow found expression in the President’s … Continue reading “BOGUS FROM THE BEGINNING”

We’ve Been Neo-Conned

The modern-day, limited-government movement has been co-opted. The conservatives have failed in their effort to shrink the size of government. There has not been, nor will there soon be, a conservative revolution in Washington. Political party control of the federal government has changed, but the inexorable growth in the size and scope of government has … Continue reading “We’ve Been Neo-Conned”