Losing the War on Terror and the Prostitution of Faith

If even many supporters of a ground invasion of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq are disappointed in how the military action has gone to date, then much of the blame for the disillusionment can be placed on the rhetoric used to sell the use of ground troops. Despite Hussein being, as the President put it, "one of … Continue reading “Losing the War on Terror and the Prostitution of Faith”


I‘m not surprised at the news that the citizenship oath all immigrants take is being “updated.” An empire, after all, demands a different sort of loyalty than a republic. As the Los Angeles Daily News puts it: “The citizenship oath, which requires immigrants to renounce loyalty to ‘princes and potentates,’ is getting a makeover after … Continue reading “IMPERIAL EYE FOR THE REPUBLICAN GUY”

Balkans Online

As the growth of the Internet matched the unfolding Balkans conflicts of the 1990s, the Web has become a significant medium for news and commentaries in the region. NATO’s 1999 invasion of Kosovo drove the point home, as internet journalists outmaneuvered the Imperial media blockade and informed the world of lies and liars who told … Continue reading “Balkans Online”

Can We Afford To Occupy Iraq?

The recent bombing of the UN headquarters in Iraq has refocused the world’s attention on the dangerous situation in that nation. The Bush administration is now softening its position against UN involvement, and is considering the use of UN military forces to serve as an international peacekeeping coalition in Iraq. We should not expect any … Continue reading “Can We Afford To Occupy Iraq?”


Who was responsible for the Najaf bombing, in which 125 people were killed – including the leader of the pro-Iranian Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI)? As of this writing, there are at least six versions of the truth to choose from: one fingers two Iraqis and two Saudis, another blames “two … Continue reading “IRAQ’S MYSTERY TERRORISTS”

Candidate Dean Is a Warmonger

Though the presidential race has yet to even pseudo-simmer, the way it kind-of will once the so-called debates begin, my colleagues at Antiwar.com are already seething. They despise Howard Dean, and if you think peaceniks lack bile, try these quotations on for size: "Aside from Dean’s position on the Iraqi war, I don’t see much … Continue reading “Candidate Dean Is a Warmonger”

The Best Possible Course for North Korea

This week the North Koreans and the "coalition" have agreed to talk more and to talk soon. The negotiations had a high note when the DPRK and US reps chewed the fat for a bit in the corner while (assumingly) the other five other delegations pretended not to notice. There wasn’t a lot of complaining … Continue reading “The Best Possible Course for North Korea”

Benito Strikes Out

"The struggle against tyranny is our national mission, and it requires revolutionary leaders who fearlessly and tenaciously fight freedom’s enemies wherever and whenever they challenge us and our ideals. It would be one of history’s most bitter ironies if we were to succumb to the counterrevolution." – Michael Ledeen, December 2000 I get a lot … Continue reading “Benito Strikes Out”

Blair’s Political Suicide

Right, here’s the problem: you need to go to war, but you’d find it ticklish – and frankly, boring – to go into your real reasons for doing so, so what are you going to do? If, last September, you were Tony Blair, you’d decide that the best way forward was to blind the electorate … Continue reading “Blair’s Political Suicide”