War and Red Ink

The president plans to request another $87 billion from Congress to fund operations in Iraq, a number that not surprisingly is much higher than originally called for by the administration. It’s not surprising because everything government does costs more than originally expected, but it’s important to note that some in the administration who warned about … Continue reading “War and Red Ink”

Lifting the Wool: Governments Are Mafias, War Is Their Racket

It is unlikely that the veil will be parted long enough for the great casserole of prejudice, misinformation, partial information and (occasionally) accurate perception that pollsters and political scientists are pleased to call “public opinion” to process and absorb the perception completely. But the vaguely worded Israeli Cabinet decision that the time might have come … Continue reading “Lifting the Wool: Governments Are Mafias, War Is Their Racket”

China Upstages US at Nuclear Non-Proliferation Conference

China was the undisputed star of last week’s Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) conference in Vienna, leaving Uncle Sam hiding in the wings. The US has always been somewhat impatient with international non-proliferation agreements. Despite a 1992 self-imposed moratorium, in the past six years the States has conducted 19 nuclear tests, dismissing them as sub-critical … Continue reading “China Upstages US at Nuclear Non-Proliferation Conference”

What Every Person Should Know About War

A recent essay by Jonathan Turley demonstrates how pervasive, and subtle, government propaganda can be. For instance, few Americans realize how much sway the Defense Department has in Hollywood. The military edits films for negative content, denies access to filmmakers who refuse to be censored, and even writes scripts for television shows. Sadly, our fantasies … Continue reading “What Every Person Should Know About War”


Since everything else about this war is a lie – the shifting rationales, the mendacious propaganda, the promises of “democracy” and “liberation” – is anyone really surprised that they’re lying about the number of American casualties as well? The British Guardian reveals the truth: “The true scale of American casualties in Iraq is revealed today … Continue reading “COUNTDOWN TO CATASTROPHE IN THE MIDDLE EAST”

Dems on Intel Investigation: That Was Then, This is Now

Democrats in Congress have abandoned their efforts to investigate the White House’s use of questionable intelligence information about Iraq’s alleged stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, saying the issue has been "eclipsed" by President Bush’s request for $87 billion from Congress to continue funding the war. David Helfert, a spokesman for Congressman David Obey, D-Wisconsin, … Continue reading “Dems on Intel Investigation: That Was Then, This is Now”

Dems on Intel Investigation: That Was Then, This is Now

Democrats in Congress have abandoned their efforts to investigate the White House’s use of questionable intelligence information about Iraq’s alleged stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, saying the issue has been "eclipsed" by President Bush’s request for $87 billion from Congress to continue funding the war. David Helfert, a spokesman for Congressman David Obey, D-Wisconsin, … Continue reading “Dems on Intel Investigation: That Was Then, This is Now”

Dems Scrap Plans To Look Into Claims White House Manipulated Intel On Iraqi Threat

Democrats in Congress have abandoned their efforts to investigate the White House’s use of questionable intelligence information about Iraq’s alleged stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, saying the issue has been "eclipsed" by President Bush’s request for $87 billion from Congress to continue funding the war. David Helfert, a spokesman for Congressman David Obey, D-Wisconsin, … Continue reading “Dems Scrap Plans To Look Into Claims White House Manipulated Intel On Iraqi Threat”

Michael Ledeen, ‘Man Of Peace’

David Frum took issue with this writer’s "Ledeen on the Run" and "Benito Strikes Out" in the September 3 installment of his NRO diary. Seems he objected to my quoting him as saying that Michael Ledeen received $25 million for his tireless working to sell conflict with Iran to the American public, then not recanting … Continue reading “Michael Ledeen, ‘Man Of Peace’”


The complete moral bankruptcy of the War Party is coming out of the closet, as they say, with the emergence of the strategic thinking behind the war in Iraq. To those Americans who see that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, no weapons of mass destruction, no imminent danger, the war … Continue reading “IRAQ IS THE ‘FLYTRAP’”