US Backs Away From Arab Political Reform

CAIRO – After a year of tough talk from U.S. policymakers about the inevitable “democratization” of the Middle East, Washington appears to be backtracking, along with its Arab friends in the region. With the reelection of U.S. President George W. Bush and his hardline administration, a shift appears to have taken place in U.S. strategic … Continue reading “US Backs Away From Arab Political Reform”

Today’s Conservatives
Are Fascists

The idea that today’s conservatives are in any way defenders of individual liberty, the free market, and what Russell Kirk called “the permanent things,” i.e., the sacred traditions that have accumulated over time to constitute the core of our Judeo-Christian culture, is no longer a defensible proposition. Instead, what used to be called the conservative … Continue reading “Today’s Conservatives
Are Fascists”

Overblown Threats

Now that President Bush has been reelected and Franks-Bremer-Tenet awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Washington Post has apparently decided to spill the beans about the true “weapons of mass destruction” threat. In particular, Dafna Linzer spilled the beans about the nuke threat and John Mintz about the chem-bio weapons threat. You ought to … Continue reading “Overblown Threats”

Humvees Aren’t the Problem

There has been a lot of talk about Humvees lately, ever since an American soldier asked Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld why soldiers were going to war in unarmored vehicles. “We’re digging pieces of rusted scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass that’s already been shot up, dropped, busted, picking the best out of this scrap to … Continue reading “Humvees Aren’t the Problem”

Backtalk, January 1, 2005

‘Staying the Course’ Won’t Do The article by Pat Buchanan is EXCELLENT. As a lifelong antiwar protester, it is heartening to read that even the Republican party behind the mess in Iraq has concrete doubts about the direction we are taking. My husband is enlisted in the U.S. Army, has served for 20 years, and … Continue reading “Backtalk, January 1, 2005”

The Great Crime Spree of 2004

If 2003 was the year of the liars, as I opined last year, then 2004 was the year of the war criminals, starting with Time magazine’s designated Man of the Year, criminal-in-chief George W. Bush. It was Bush who presided over the torture and abuse not only at Abu Ghraib but in U.S.-run dungeons from … Continue reading “The Great Crime Spree of 2004”

Bay of Pigs Redux?

Gary Samore – who served on President Clinton’s National Security Council staff – told an audience last week at the United Arab Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research: "I think if negotiations between Iran and the Europeans fail – and Iran resumes its enrichment program – I think there is a real risk of … Continue reading “Bay of Pigs Redux?”

The Wreath Blair Didn’t Lay

“The curious incident is the barking of the dog,” Sherlock Holmes remarked. “But the dog did not bark!” exclaimed Dr. Watson. “That is the curious incident!” This week’s curious incident concerns the wreath of Tony Blair. The wreath that he did not lay on the grave of Yasser Arafat. Elementary, dear Watson. Blair did go … Continue reading “The Wreath Blair Didn’t Lay”