Gonzales at Justice and Lynndie in the Trash

Last week the Bush administration was publicly rebuked by Richard Lugar for a reported U.S. plan to keep some suspected terrorists imprisoned for a lifetime even if the government lacks evidence to charge them. Lugar said, “It’s a bad idea. So we ought to get over it and we ought to have a very careful, … Continue reading “Gonzales at Justice and Lynndie in the Trash”

Iraq: The Devastation

Measure Iraq any way you want and it adds up to disaster: Less electricity is now being delivered than in the Saddam Hussein years; infant malnourishment has, according to a Norwegian study, doubled in the same time period (“It’s on the level of some African countries,” says the deputy director of the institute that conducted … Continue reading “Iraq: The Devastation”

No Peace in Palestine

There will be no peace in Palestine. Don’t be fooled by statements of politicians and by the press’s careful avoidance of reporting the real facts of the situation. The bulk of the Jewish settlements – around 200,000 people – are in the West Bank. The Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, has made it plain that … Continue reading “No Peace in Palestine”

ElBaradei and North Korea

According to various reporters, last week Mohammed ElBaradei – Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency – "urged North Korea to promptly resume multilateral negotiations on dismantling its nuclear weapons programs." He didn’t. Here is what ElBaradei actually said; "I would like to see the six-party talks restarted as early as possible. "I’d like … Continue reading “ElBaradei and North Korea”

Issues for East Asia: A Sinocentric View

Yu Bin’s recent article for Asia Times Online is a very Sinocentric view of the growing pains East Asia will face as the region grows increasingly more influential and substantially richer. Yu Bin goes into three major problems: China’s relationship with its own poor and underemployed, China’s relationship with Japan, and China’s relationship with Taiwan. … Continue reading “Issues for East Asia: A Sinocentric View”

Gonzales and the Torture Cult

Ms. Anne Applebaum is shocked – shocked! – at conservatives’ blasé attitude toward torture. Don’t they know that attorney general-designate Alberto Gonzales wrote memos seeking ways to legally immunize U.S. government officials from prosecution under the War Crimes Act? Perhaps, she suggests, they don’t remember Abu Ghraib? But of course they remember it all too … Continue reading “Gonzales and the Torture Cult”

In Surprise Move, Realist Gets Nod for Rice’s Deputy

Ending weeks of sometimes fevered speculation, Bush administration officials confirmed Thursday that secretary of state-designate Condoleezza Rice’s deputy at the State Department will be a confirmed Atlanticist and arch-realist, U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Zoellick. The decision was surprising to foreign-policy analysts here not only because Zoellick, by agreeing to take the post, will lose … Continue reading “In Surprise Move, Realist Gets Nod for Rice’s Deputy”

Faint Hopes for Peace

Ever since Yasser Arafat’s death, there has been a certain air of anticipation about the prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace – or at least something resembling a settlement, even a formal cease-fire, that will end the current relatively active hostilities. If Arafat himself was the major obstacle to negotiations, as somebody neither the Israeli government nor … Continue reading “Faint Hopes for Peace”

Trickle of Abuse Reports Becoming a Torrent

NEW YORK – Even as the alleged ringleader of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal faces court-martial Friday, human rights groups are questioning whether his case is really the "aberration" the Pentagon claims. "The trial of Charles Graner is a first step toward accountability, but no one should confuse it with the end of the … Continue reading “Trickle of Abuse Reports Becoming a Torrent”

Civil Rights Groups Voice Concerns About Gonzales

Expressing concerns about attorney general-designate Alberto Gonzales’ commitment to due process and the rule of law, a coalition of some 50 civil rights and labor groups called Wednesday for the Senate Judiciary Committee to conduct a "searching and thorough review" of the nominee’s record and positions in confirmation hearings that begin Thursday. In a three-page … Continue reading “Civil Rights Groups Voice Concerns About Gonzales”