Dr. Martin Luther King’s Prophetic Warning, Denouncing the Merchants of Death

Over the past three years, a collective of volunteer researchers, lawyers, and commentators created The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, dedicated to holding accountable four weapon manufacturing corporations based in the U.S. Their tribunal amassed copious evidence to prove that Boeing, Lockheed Martin, RTX (formerly Raytheon) and General Atomics (a company which manufactures weaponized … Continue reading “Dr. Martin Luther King’s Prophetic Warning, Denouncing the Merchants of Death”

Israel Is Assaulting Hospitals in Gaza with Full US. Support

Many decades ago in Chicago, my favorite of several part-time student jobs was operating the “old-style” telephone switchboard at a small hospital called Forkosh Memorial. The console of coils and plugs included a mirror so operators could keep an eye on the hospital entrance, which on weekends and evenings was also monitored by an elderly, … Continue reading “Israel Is Assaulting Hospitals in Gaza with Full US. Support”

Predicting Pestilence in Gaza

Speaking from a hospital ward about 50 meters from where a bomb had just exploded, UNICEF spokesperson James Elder raised his voice over sounds of children screaming. In a video posted on Twitter/X he emphasized that Gaza’s health care system is overwhelmed. Pointing at children packed into the ward of a hospital he said was operating … Continue reading “Predicting Pestilence in Gaza”

Calling for a ‘Pause’ in Israel’s Assault on Gaza Isn’t Enough

Operation Cast Lead, an Israeli aerial assault and massacre of  Gazans begun on December 27, 2008, lasted for 22 days. The Israeli military deployed its navy, air force and army against the people living in Gaza, using U.S.-supplied weapons and killing 1,383 Palestinians, of whom 333 were children. I remember a doctor at the Al … Continue reading “Calling for a ‘Pause’ in Israel’s Assault on Gaza Isn’t Enough”

Prioritizing Human Rights in Relations with Saudi Arabia

The Saudis picked us up from the detention center in Daer and put us in a minibus going back to the Yemen border. When they released us, they created a kind of chaos; they screamed at us to “get out of the car and get away.” … this is when they started to fire mortars … Continue reading “Prioritizing Human Rights in Relations with Saudi Arabia”

The People of Yemen Suffer Atrocities, Too

The United Nations’ goal was to raise more than $4.2 billion for the people of war-torn Yemen by March 15. But when that deadline rolled around, just $1.3 billion had come in. ?​"I am deeply disappointed," said Jan Egeland, the secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council. "The people of Yemen need the same level … Continue reading “The People of Yemen Suffer Atrocities, Too”

‘Thank You for Hearing Our Afghan Pain’

During visits to Kabul, Afghanistan, over the past decade, I particularly relished lingering over breakfasts on chilly winter mornings with my young hosts who were on their winter break from school. Seated on the floor, wearing coats and hats and draped with blankets, we’d sip piping hot green tea as we shared fresh, warm wheels … Continue reading “‘Thank You for Hearing Our Afghan Pain’”

Abandoning Yemen?

Monday, October 11, marked the official closure of the U.N. Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen (also known as the Group of Experts or GEE). For nearly four years, this investigative group examined alleged abuses suffered by Yemenis whose basic rights to food, shelter, safety, health care and education were horribly violated, all while they … Continue reading “Abandoning Yemen?”

To Counter Terror, Abolish War

On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was among a small group of U.S. citizens who sat on milk crates or stood holding signs, across from the US Mission to the United Nations in Manhattan. We had been fasting from solid foods for a month, calling for an end to brutal economic warfare waged … Continue reading “To Counter Terror, Abolish War”

Reckoning With the US-Caused Destruction of Afghanistan

Earlier this week, 100 Afghan families from Bamiyan, a rural province of central Afghanistan mainly populated by the Hazara ethnic minority, fled to Kabul. They feared Taliban militants would attack them in Bamiyan. Over the past decade, I’ve gotten to know a grandmother who recalls fleeing Talib fighters in the 1990s, just after learning that … Continue reading “Reckoning With the US-Caused Destruction of Afghanistan”