Bush Debacle Augers GOP Crack-Up

It wasn’t even close. While the Bushian spinmeisters would have us believe that New Hampshire is but a bump on an otherwise smooth road inevitably leading to the coronation of Bush II, McCain’s New Hampshire triumph is a major upset: with considerably less money than Dubya’s $60 million and without the backing of the state … Continue reading “Bush Debacle Augers GOP Crack-Up”

The Globalist Culture War

Rewriting the past – as Orwell pointed out, a totalitarian regime must invest heavily in this essential task. In Orwell’s famous novel, 1984, the regime of Big Brother openly proclaims the malleability of history in the following slogan: “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” No one understands … Continue reading “The Globalist Culture War”

Buchanan-Keyes – A Dream Ticket for Conservatives

For years, the Washington Establishment has been laughing at Alan Keyes: who is this guy, they sneered, and why is he running for President? Now, it looks like Keyes may have the last laugh.BREAKTHROUGH A former US ambassador to the UN Social and Economic Council, and Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations, the charismatic … Continue reading “Buchanan-Keyes – A Dream Ticket for Conservatives”

Mad About McCain: A Love Story

The media’s well-known love affair with presidential aspirant John McCain is almost embarrassing to behold; it is like those couples that are all over each other in public, and make you want to say: “Could you take that somewhere else – perhaps someplace more private?” Salon’s Jake Tapper is positively homoerotic in his breathless ardor: … Continue reading “Mad About McCain: A Love Story”

Mad About McCain: A Love Story

The media’s well-known love affair with presidential aspirant John McCain is almost embarrassing to behold; it is like those couples that are all over each other in public, and make you want to say: “Could you take that somewhere else – perhaps someplace more private?” Salon’s Jake Tapper is positively homoerotic in his breathless ardor: … Continue reading “Mad About McCain: A Love Story”

The Globalists Come Out of the Closet

We were right. For years, conservatives and some libertarians have been descrying the erosion of American sovereignty and warning about the dangers of global governance. During the sixties, the John Birch Society was roundly ridiculed by liberals for sounding the alarm about the United Nations as a nascent world state: perhaps they went a bit … Continue reading “The Globalists Come Out of the Closet”

Who’s Playing the Trump Card?

What makes ‘The Donald’ run? Donald Trump, hotshot real estate developer and the biggest vulgarian in the Western Hemisphere, suddenly discover a heretofore-unsuspected ambition for political office – and not just any political office, but nothing less than the White House? What’s up with that?MEANING AND MOTIVE I’ll tell you what’s up. Or, better yet, … Continue reading “Who’s Playing the Trump Card?”

Cyber-Cops, Watchdogs and the Thought Police

“Bad boyz, Bay boyz, What-cha gonna do? What-cha gonna do when they come for you?” Ah yes, the theme song of my favorite TV program – next to The McLaughlin Group, of course: it could serve as the theme song of the new millennium. Cops – they’re everywhere. Rounding up wild-eyed Algerian “terrorists” as they … Continue reading “Cyber-Cops, Watchdogs and the Thought Police”

The Emerging Media Trust

The triumph of America Online, in its much-ballyhooed mega-merger with the Time Warner media group, represents a major threat to the Internet as a medium free of government regulation and cultural freedom. Yes, I know, I know – all the nerdiest yuppies are chortling over how it was AOL that swallowed up Time Warner, and … Continue reading “The Emerging Media Trust”

A Mockery of ‘Democracy’

America, we are told endlessly, is a “shining city on a hill,” to use the Reaganite phrase. We are a “beacon of democracy,” whose shining light is supposed to inspire the peoples of the world to throw off their shackles and usher in a global golden age. There are even those who say that we … Continue reading “A Mockery of ‘Democracy’”