Lethal Weapons: Neocon Groupies

Never underestimate the contribution neoconservative women in the scribbling and broadcasting professions have made to sexing up the war. When a bunch of babes with bursting décolletages quakes and quivers for military action, their fans (males, especially) do more than just look … they listen. The Fox News War Harpies were certainly a dream come … Continue reading “Lethal Weapons: Neocon Groupies”

Kerry’s Cowardly Convergence

French political scientist Pierre Rosanvallon was not describing the Bush administration when he wrote, “[They] speak like Tocqueville but continue to think like Robespierre.” Had he been referring to the Bushies rather than to France’s elites, he might have said that they speak like Tocqueville but act like Robespierre. Rosanvallon argues that France’s big cheeses … Continue reading “Kerry’s Cowardly Convergence”

After Their Heads Roll, America’s Dead Remain Faceless

The sign of a civilized society is the sanctity it accords human life. According to the Talmud, “To save one life is like saving the world.” You needn’t be religious to live by this maxim. You must, however, be observant of the most precious thing on earth: the life of an innocent human being. As … Continue reading “After Their Heads Roll, America’s Dead Remain Faceless”

Pundits, Heal Thyselves!

Suppose your doctor misdiagnoses your condition – he tells you that six months hence you’ll be stone-cold dead, pushing up the daisies. As it turns out, however, you did not have leukemia after all, but were only suffering from Lyme disease. Would you not consider switching practitioners? Say your stockbroker’s picks leave you with a … Continue reading “Pundits, Heal Thyselves!”

Pat Tillman and the Culture of Death

The networks and other custodians of consensus sicced the dogs of war on anyone who dared question Pat Tillman’s post-Sept. 11 epiphany. Tillman, may he rest in peace, abandoned his NFL career and a $3.6-million contract to become an Army Ranger. As Len Pasquarelli of ESPN put it, "His conscience would not allow him to … Continue reading “Pat Tillman and the Culture of Death”