Police Escalate the British State’s War on Independent Journalism

The UK government and police – the British state – made clear on Friday they are waging a war of intimidation against the country’s independent journalists in a desperate attempt to silence them. Ten Metropolitan police officers made a dawn raid on the home of investigative journalist Asa Winstanley and seized his electronic devices under … Continue reading “Police Escalate the British State’s War on Independent Journalism”

War on Gaza: Israel Wants To Finish the Job Washington Started After 9/11

Nearly a decade ago, a leading Israeli human rights activist divulged to me a private conversation he’d had a short time earlier with one of Europe’s ambassadors to Israel. He was shaken by the exchange. The ambassador’s country was then widely seen as one of the most sympathetic in the West to the Palestinian people. … Continue reading “War on Gaza: Israel Wants To Finish the Job Washington Started After 9/11”

Media Complicit in the Crimes of Israel

The coverage of Israeli soldiers pushing three Palestinians off a roof in the West Bank town of Qabatiya – it’s unclear whether the men are dead or near-dead – is being barely reported by the western media, even though it was videoed from at least three different angles and a reporter from the main US … Continue reading “Media Complicit in the Crimes of Israel”

Israeli Torture Chambers Aren’t New. They Provoked October 7

For many years I lived just up the road from Megiddo prison in northern Israel, where new film of Israeli guards torturing Palestinians en masse has been published by Israel’s Haaretz newspaper. I drove past Megiddo prison on hundreds of occasions. Over time I came to barely notice the squat grey buildings, surrounded by watch … Continue reading “Israeli Torture Chambers Aren’t New. They Provoked October 7”

UK Labour Party Purges Have Mutated Into the Arrest of Palestine Supporters

The arrest yesterday of Palestine solidarity activist Sarah Wilkinson, following the arrest of journalist Richard Medhurst last week – both based on an improbable claim they have violated Section 12 of the Terrorism Act – is definitive proof that Keir Starmer’s authoritarian purges of the Labour left are being rolled out against critics on a … Continue reading “UK Labour Party Purges Have Mutated Into the Arrest of Palestine Supporters”

Nothing’s Changed Since 1948 – Except Now Israel’s Excuses Don’t Work

The headline above, about yet another Israeli operation to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians in the tiny, besieged and utterly destroyed enclave of Gaza, was published in last week’s Middle East Eye. When I began studying Israeli history more than a quarter of a century ago, people claiming to be experts proffered plenty of excuses to … Continue reading “Nothing’s Changed Since 1948 – Except Now Israel’s Excuses Don’t Work”

Israel Is in a Death Spiral. Who Will It Take Down With It?

There should be nothing surprising about the revelation that troops at Sde Teiman, a detention camp set up by Israel in the wake of Hamas’s 7 October attack on southern Israel, are routinely using rape as a weapon of torture against Palestinian inmates. Last week, nine soldiers from a prison unit, Force 100, were arrested … Continue reading “Israel Is in a Death Spiral. Who Will It Take Down With It?”

More Dead Children. More BBC ‘News’ Channeling Israeli Propaganda as Its Own

BBC coverage of the attack on a football pitch in the Golan Heights on Saturday has been intentionally misleading. The BBC’s evening news entirely ignored the fact that those killed by the blast are a dozen Syrians, not Israeli citizens, and that for decades the surviving Syrian population in the Golan, most of them Druze, … Continue reading “More Dead Children. More BBC ‘News’ Channeling Israeli Propaganda as Its Own”

Only a Failing US Empire Would Be So Blind as To Cheer Netanyahu and His Genocide

There is only one country in the world right now, in the midst of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is guaranteed dozens of standing ovations from the vast majority of its elected representatives. That country is not Israel, where he has been a hugely divisive figure for many years. It is … Continue reading “Only a Failing US Empire Would Be So Blind as To Cheer Netanyahu and His Genocide”

Julian Assange: Freedom This Time, No Thanks to the Media

It is only right that we all take a moment to celebrate the victory of Julian Assange’s release from 14 years of detention, in varying forms, to be united, finally, with his wife and children – two boys who have been denied the chance to ever properly know their father. His last five years were … Continue reading “Julian Assange: Freedom This Time, No Thanks to the Media”