Iraqi Democracy: Not Quite the Cakewalk

If I had a choice of catching 1,000 feral cats or bringing democracy to Iraq, I’d take the cat job in a New York second. The Shiites want immediate elections; the Sunnis have just organized themselves and oppose immediate elections. The Kurds want autonomy, but the Turks have warned that they’ll cause big trouble if … Continue reading “Iraqi Democracy: Not Quite the Cakewalk”

Saddam Capture Won’t Mean Much

I don’t believe the capture of Saddam Hussein will have any effect on the guerrilla war being conducted against Americans and their Iraqi allies. Saddam’s power was always his ability to command and control. The day he went on the run, he lost that power. He couldn’t command or control anyone. On the contrary, he … Continue reading “Saddam Capture Won’t Mean Much”

Misguided Mission

It’s clear that the president’s brain is occupied by the neoconservatives who surround him. It’s clear from their writings and policy statements that the neoconservatives believe the United States can become the dominant power on Earth. This is a bad judgment that is dangerous and could become lethal. This is why thoughtful people believe it … Continue reading “Misguided Mission”