Invade Africa?–You First, Jonah!

It isn’t very often that we get to see the doctrine of global intervention expressed in its pristine pure form. Oh, there are a few examples: Joshua Muravchik’s book, Exporting Democracy, which hails the US military occupation of Germany and Japan as models for American foreign policy in the post-cold war era, is one, and … Continue reading “Invade Africa?–You First, Jonah!”

The Ukrainian Model of Democracy

[O]ne more time Kuchma has demonstrated his unshakable position of the leader of a geostrategically important country that permanently balances on the verge of economic collapse but nevertheless successfully maneuvers its political course through the conflicting interests of Washington and Moscow. Taking into account the latest outburst of popular love for and confidence in the … Continue reading “The Ukrainian Model of Democracy”

The May 4th Deaths: Kent State 30 Years Ago

On May 4, 1970, Ohio National Guardsmen killed four college students and wounded nine others – one of them, Dean Kahler, is paralyzed below the waist – on the campus of Kent State University. Nobody was found guilty of the bloodletting. On that awful day, Guardsmen fired M-1 rifles, .45 pistols and a shotgun for … Continue reading “The May 4th Deaths: Kent State 30 Years Ago”

Murray M. Rothbard–An Enemy of the War Party

I am often asked what inspired me to help launch, turn it into the focal point of anti-war activities on the Internet, and write literally hundreds of columns in a little over a year. I can only point to the picture hanging over my desk: a portrait of a man sitting at a typewriter … Continue reading “Murray M. Rothbard–An Enemy of the War Party”

Gore’s Gory Plans

Vice President Gore, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has outlined in some detail his views on foreign policy in a speech Sunday before the International Press Institute in Boston. Not surprisingly, his views differ little from the administration in which he serves. If anything, however, he has a more expansive view of the "global responsibilities" … Continue reading “Gore’s Gory Plans”

Vietnam War Revision on the Right

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the fall of Saigon has been the occasion for a whole series of retrospectives, reassessments, and general all-around breast-beating, and everyone seems to be having a grand old time of it. The Left – or what passes for the Left in this post-Marxist era – is busy slapping itself on the … Continue reading “Vietnam War Revision on the Right”

Tale of a ‘Seditionist’–The Lawrence Dennis Story

War infects and weakens our republican form of government, spreads social and political diseases throughout the body politic – but is, as Randolph Bourne put it, “the health of the State.” The State, in wartime, is glorified and empowered: the militarization of society means that all resources are mobilized and placed at the disposal of … Continue reading “Tale of a ‘Seditionist’–The Lawrence Dennis Story”

The State’s True Colors

Perhaps, alongside thankfulness that against the odds nobody was hurt, one should be almost grateful to the national government for clarifying matters. Political scientists define government as the institution in a given society with a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. That means that government authority, when you get to the heart of the … Continue reading “The State’s True Colors”

Lessons of Vietnam–When Will They Ever Learn?

On the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam war the airwaves are full of special programs, and the op-ed pages are packed to the gills with articles and symposia – all opining about the “lessons” of that conflict. Naturally, the New York Times takes this … Continue reading “Lessons of Vietnam–When Will They Ever Learn?”

Propaganda Wars: from Miami to Mitrovica

From Miami to Mitrovica, from Ruby Ridge to Iraq, the US government propaganda machine is geared up to put the best “spin” on the violence at the core of its power. In the assault on Iraq, TV viewers in the West were entertained by the “Nintendo war” as American missiles launched from ships hundreds of … Continue reading “Propaganda Wars: from Miami to Mitrovica”