Anti-imperialism, 1900

As sometimes noted here, many historians see the beginnings of American imperialism in the Spanish-American War. A war fought ostensibly for the freedom of the Cuban people allowed the United States to relieve Spain of its Pacific possessions, Guam, the Marianas, and the Philippines. We took Puerto Rico as well and Cuba became an American … Continue reading “Anti-imperialism, 1900”

Kosovo Revisited: Spies, Spooks and Censors

During the Kosovo war the lies of NATO were broadcast all over the world and supinely accepted by the “mainstream” media as the fountainhead of truth; indeed, those lies were embroidered, elaborated on and systematized into a full-blown delusional system, a mass hallucination generated by the Western media in which the Serbs were depicted as … Continue reading “Kosovo Revisited: Spies, Spooks and Censors”

Human Rights and Trade Policies

The existence of the World Trade Organization as something of a talisman of hope or of evil, depending on one’s predilections and the obvious continuance of gross and blatant human rights violations by the mainland Chinese regime make it difficult to view the range of possible relationships between the United States and China with anything … Continue reading “Human Rights and Trade Policies”

Will Kosovo Blow Before Election Day 2000

The Clinton administration is sitting on a ticking time bomb that could go off well before Election Day, 2000. As a CNN reporter put it, “Reining in Kosovar hard-liners may be beyond the capability of a NATO-led military force whose stated overriding priority is ensuring the safety of its own men. And that’s why, despite … Continue reading “Will Kosovo Blow Before Election Day 2000”

José Martí: Cuban Nationalist, Critic of American Imperialism

In the mid-19th century it was still possible for a public figure to be a liberal, a Romantic, and a nationalist, simultaneously. Giuseppe Mazzini, for one, comes to mind. By the end of the century, such a combination was increasingly rare, at least in Europe. There, nationalism – whatever its early associations with liberalism and … Continue reading “José Martí: Cuban Nationalist, Critic of American Imperialism”

Gore and the Colombian Connection

Now that John McCain has “suspended” his campaign, those who worried that a man with the temper of a scorpion and the foreign policy views of Attilla the Hun would somehow bully his way into the White House can rest easy. But not too easy, and not for long – for now we are faced … Continue reading “Gore and the Colombian Connection”

New Doubts About Intervention

Call me a cock-eyed optimist if you will, but despite the almost complete lack of any discussion of foreign policy let alone any serious questions about whether recent foreign policy has been wise during the major-party primaries, I suspect the American people are more on the anti-war side of things than the designated leaders or … Continue reading “New Doubts About Intervention”

Gas Pump Rip-Off–Made in Washington

With the price of gasoline rapidly surging, and expected to reach anywhere from $1.70 to $2 per gallon – depending on what part of the US you live in – Americans will soon be grumbling as they wait in long lines for the privilege of getting ripped off, and looking for someone to blame. The … Continue reading “Gas Pump Rip-Off–Made in Washington”

The McCain Meltdown?–Keep Your Fingers Crossed

If polling trends in “Super Tuesday” primary states continue, it looks like John McCain is a goner – and not a moment too soon. He is way behind in Ohio, where he and his advisors said they had a fighting chance, and falling fast in the two delegate-rich states of New York and California. Barring … Continue reading “The McCain Meltdown?–Keep Your Fingers Crossed”

‘Fascism’: Déjà Vu All Over Again

‘Fascism’: Déjà Vu All Over Again VERBAL WEAPONS OF MASS DEMONIZATION The partly successful exclusion of Patrick J. Buchanan from American public life sheds light on a problem which might be called "Buchananization" – the opposite of canonization. Question the general trend of Uncle’s Imperial New Order on any point, these days, and there you … Continue reading “‘Fascism’: Déjà Vu All Over Again”