Defending Peacetime

You might not think that peace and prosperity would need defending against the pervasive sacrifice and death that characterize war and conflict. To assume that most people, especially public intellectuals, would prefer peace to widespread devastation, however, would be to make a mistake. There are certain sectors of American intellectual life – spread sometimes surprisingly … Continue reading “Defending Peacetime”

Preventing Future Terrorism

How can we prevent future terrorist attacks? The first step is a foreign policy that rests on a simple principle: We’re prepared to defend ourselves, but we threaten no one. Such a foreign policy should have four elements. 1. Noninterference Our government should never interfere in other countries’ disputes, never arm foreign governments, and never … Continue reading “Preventing Future Terrorism”


War is hell – and, thanks to Senator John McCain, it has just gotten a little more hellish. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, this angry embittered man has launched an effort to undermine the war effort, one that will no doubt be far more effective than the Lilliputian efforts of peaceniks. “War,” he intones, … Continue reading “ATTACK OF THE McCAINIACS”

Nagging Questions About the War

After what is seen in the United Kingdom and parts of Europe as the worst weekend of the bombing campaign in Afghanistan (I’m still reluctant to call it a war, though it is in almost every aspect except that it hasn’t been declared as such by Congress) for the American-led forces, some preliminary questions and … Continue reading “Nagging Questions About the War”


It was left to Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica to comment on the bitter irony of the US “war on terrorism” from his own particular vantage point as the leader of a nation that was the recent victim of a US-sponsored Muslim terrorist campaign. Asking the US leaders to examine “the true deep roots and the … Continue reading “OSAMA IN THE BALKANS”