A Short History of Warmongering at the National Review

NATIONAL REVIEW: AN UNCHANGING MONOLITH? I have entitled this piece "A Short History," because a full history of warmongering at National Review magazine would be long indeed. James J. Martin wrote two volumes in the early 1960s on the turn of The New Republic and The Nation from a critical view of US foreign policy … Continue reading “A Short History of Warmongering at the National Review

Why They Hate Us

America-haters the world over were ecstatic that the US was not reelected to the UN “Human Rights Commission.” That great champion of human rights, Communist China, gleefully pontificated in their state-controlled media that “the U.S. election loss shows that America’s long-standing pursuit of confrontation and hegemonism in international relations has aroused widespread anger. Its double … Continue reading “Why They Hate Us”

Vidal’s Non-Interventionist Manifesto

Justin has the flu so today we present a classic Raimondo column from last year. October 18, 2000I can write all the columns I want, pointing out this or that outrage committed by the US government in the realm of foreign affairs, railing about the hubris of the empire-builders, proving and re-proving the folly of … Continue reading “Vidal’s Non-Interventionist Manifesto”

The Real China Threat

“There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it ever come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence.” ~ Daniel Webster Our American way of life is under threat. Not from … Continue reading “The Real China Threat”

The State of the Army, Part 1

"In Israel, every human being is a soldier, and every soldier – a human being," went a famous old saying ascribed to David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s founder and first prime minister. In the pre-sound-bite era, when lengthy and complex slogans were tolerated, this was an effective phrasing to obscure the tension between Israel’s democratic self-image and … Continue reading “The State of the Army, Part 1”

Viva Berlusconi!

An international hate campaign against Italian rightist leader Silvio Berlusconi is now going into high gear. The goal: saving the Euro-communist (“center-left”) government now in power, and derailing Berlusconi’s hopes of becoming Prime Minister in the upcoming [May 13] parliamentary elections. It’s the same sort of drumbeat that greeted the rise of Joerg Haider, the … Continue reading “Viva Berlusconi!”

The Spin Begins

The film had barely stopped rolling over at CBS before the Kerrey spin machine started cranking out apologias: “I think this war’s not over,” warbled Kerrey after the broadcast. “I think they’re not going to leave us alone until we’re all dead. It’s always possible to dig up one more horrible night.” But who, pray … Continue reading “The Spin Begins”

Getting Away with Murder?

Democrats defend him because he’s one of them: Republicans defend him for ideological reasons; liberals like Robert Scheer give former Senator Bob Kerrey, accused war criminal, a pass, but use the occasion to condemn America as the epitome of human evil; neoconservatives like Mona Charen give Kerrey a pass, and use the occasion to re-fight … Continue reading “Getting Away with Murder?”

Uncensoring ‘Project Censored’

What follows is the text of a talk I gave at a conference put on by Project Censored, on Saturday [April 28], at San Francisco State University. I was told, by the way, that my presence had been a cause of much controversy: one of the keynote speakers, the well-known Commie writer (listed by the … Continue reading “Uncensoring ‘Project Censored’”

Is Bob Kerrey a War Criminal?

Former Senator Bob Kerrey (D-Nebraska) was a presidential hopeful and a rising star in the Democratic party when, for some reason, this January he suddenly decided to drop out of politics. At the time, his decision puzzled his friends and supporters: now, they know why. For he knew that the real story about what happened … Continue reading “Is Bob Kerrey a War Criminal?”