"I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds."In the wake of 9/11, much has been written of the link between religion – specifically, Islam – and the rise of the terrorist threat: the religion of Mohammed, we are told, represents a dire threat to the West, comparable, in scope and potential lethality, to that of … Continue reading “IN THE SHADOW OF SHIVA”


“I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.”In the wake of 9/11, much has been written of the link between religion – specifically, Islam – and the rise of the terrorist threat: the religion of Mohammed, we are told, represents a dire threat to the West, comparable, in scope and potential lethality, to that of … Continue reading “IN THE SHADOW OF SHIVA”

Defending Taiwan’s ‘Democracy’

Executive Summary: Whenever Blue Team “China Threat” theorists need to rationalize gunboat diplomacy against China, they trot out their “Taiwan is a Democracy” thesis. “Taiwan is a lively / thriving / vibrant democracy” they declare, “therefore Americans have a moral obligation to rally to its defense.” Their syllogism is bogus in every respect. First, Taiwan … Continue reading “Defending Taiwan’s ‘Democracy’”

Unsolved Mysteries of 9/11

The horror of 9/11 was bad enough, but what makes it worse is the positively sinister undertone of what we are coming to learn about the events surrounding that singular event. In reviewing my "what’s up with that?" file of 9/11 news stories, it looks like I have enough material for a whole television series: … Continue reading “Unsolved Mysteries of 9/11”

National Defense & National Offense

You might think I never advocate an expansion of any government function. Not so. I’d like to see a greater national defense. In fact, I’d like to see a national defense – period. Today our government spends virtually nothing on defense. Instead, it spends over $300 billion per year on offense – the most intimidating … Continue reading “National Defense & National Offense”

The Long Shadow of Kosovo

This week, news from the Balkans has focused on the arrival of Bosnia’s new viceroy and the Serbian parliamentary purges. The fact that “Paddy” Ashdown, an accomplished belligerent statist, was to become Bosnia’s new overlord was already mentioned here. And while purges in Serbia might sound like exciting reading, they are but empty political posturing … Continue reading “The Long Shadow of Kosovo”

Creating a New Axis

A good deal of President Bush’s trip to Russia and Europe amounted to the kind of image-polishing and schmoozing most U.S. presidents do at various times. U.S. presidents usually spend about two years trying to work on their purported domestic agenda before figuring out that they look a lot more “presidential” when traveling overseas than … Continue reading “Creating a New Axis”

Conspiracy Corner

There’s one very good reason why conspiracies are so genuinely rare in international relations, and that’s because, although you can hide what you’re doing, you can’t very often hide why you might do it. In other words, ‘secret diplomacy’ and everything more Bondian beneath that is all well and good, but the interests of a … Continue reading “Conspiracy Corner”